Monday, October 24, 2011

Post 22/100 Sexy Siri

As the world knows, the Iphone 4s has come out. It has a feature called Siri. Already people are raving about it. Basically, it says a lot of stuff. One thing I have been hearing is that men have been loving Siri more. They love just talking to it. Some say it responds better than a woman. Basically, the phone will actually listen to you. I think some men are going to fall in love with this thing.

I want to create a program. Sexy Siri, I should patent this, will be just like Siri but say risque things. It will also show porn and things of that nature.  Think about it. People marry pillows these days. Why not phones?

This is why our society is stupid.

1 comment:

  1. and yet you're willing to contribute to the stupidity of it? :P
