Monday, October 3, 2011

Post 1/100:Things that Bother me Pt 2

I thought I would begin this process with something light hearted. I'm excited to begin this 100 days of blogging.

I get bothered by many things. I'm a little Woody Allen in those terms.

Things that bother me:

When I'm in the bathroom and take a 2, I hear another person leaving the bathroom without the water running. I know someone hasn't washed their hands. It kinda freaks me out the whole day.

Your eating something in a bag or container and the person who eats it before you leaves like the tiniest portion still there or jsut leaves the box with nothing in it.

i go into my work's kitchen/breakroom area and they don't shut the microwave oven door. Come on Son!!! Just shut it. It takes minimal effort.

People who have their bluetooth thing in their ear, but they still talk putting the reciever to their other ear.

I have a boss and he gets close to my ear to say things. It feels weird like hes gonna kiss my ear lob. He always tells me to lower my voice, when im not really talking about anything.

Person with the loud ringtone and isn't there to pick up the phone.I feel like grabbing their phone and throwing in the ocean.

Person who looks at their bright ass phone in the movie theather. "Your blinding me with your light"


People who get angry at other people because of twitter/facebook. #Imsobitter

Gay people who are overly gay.

My slow internet!!

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