Monday, October 17, 2011

Post 15/100 Weird Dreams

I have had several weird dreams this weekend. I haven't been dreaming in a while too. I wonder what they mean. Probably non sense.

The first dream I had a couple nights ago. I was basically in Zombie land. I had several friends with me. The only way you could kill the zombies was slicing their throasts. I kinda went on an adventure, but I got several people killed. I don't know why the hell I would be dreaming of something horrific like this. Its weird.

Dream #2- Lasst night I had a dream . I was in this dingy place and found two people murdered. They blamed me and I blamed this monkey. More like a gorilla. I went to my mom's house and was preparing to kill this gorilla. I prepared traps and all these things. I went and I knew he was there. He was stalking me. I got my gun and went outside. I told my mom to give me some back up. I finally see the monkey. Then, I black out. I wake up and find that my mom has killed the gorilla. Shot it in the head and its heart was bleeding on the floor. She told me to get a garbage bag and help her clean the body up.

Weird Dreams.

1 comment:

  1. do you remember the movie waterboy? where adam sandler tells his mom (in the movie) that he got beat up by a gorilla to explain his football injuries and the mom is going around town posting Wanted signs for the gorilla so she can kill it?

    reminds me of your 2nd dream

    hope youre doing well! love the blog entries
