Thursday, August 18, 2011

Men's Survey: Dating takes a survey every year. Its called the Great Male Survey. It already assumes that men taking this survey are great but thats besides the point. Look at the survey for yourself. CLICK HERE.

Im going to talk about the dating section today. The other stuff next time.

I think that overall this makes the point that men are mostly pretty decent. Sure your gonna look at the question 8:

Would you dump your girlfriend if she became fat? 47% said yes, but 53% said no. Also, it says girlfriend not wife.


Yeah it sounds shallow, but if this girl is not your wife its kinda understandable.

HOW MANY DATES SHOULD A MAN PAY FOR? 65% said they should pay for the majority

I agree. What kind of douche is not gonna pay. If you don't have enough money, dont take a girl out. Like me.


The other choice was to have sex. Im surprised that it is less. Maybe thats why I'm single.
 HOW SATISFIED ARE YOU WITH YOUR SEX LIFE? Majority of me are not completey satisfied with their sex lives

I think if our society was satisifed, then there would be less bad stuff happening. Be like, "Umm I'm good right now, maybe I shouldn't get locked up"

WOULD YOU EVER DATE SOMEONE IN YOUR OFFICE? 45% say its a terrible idea (Majority)

I would definitely date someone. It might lead to some weirdness, but thats the price of love. Damn sounds so cheesey.

A majority of men 48% said that they would not break up with their girlfriend even though she is not wife material.

I strongly disagree. I feel that many men wind up in this trap. They get comfortable with the girl and finally have to settle down so they settle with her. No, if you dont think shes the one drop her plan and simple.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rock and a Hard Place

Why do we put ourselves in bad situations? Situations that we know that we will not come out better. Yet, it seems like we don't try to get out. Maybe its like the Godfather, "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."

I feel like I do that to myself many times. I am probably the man with the least amount of drama, but I am self destructive. I do things that I know will harm, but choose to do them. I wonder if I am afraid of success sometimes. Am I just lazy?

Monday, August 15, 2011


RiRa in Irish means fighting spirit or thats what I have been told. Rira is also a bar/ restaurant. A couple of my friends say it in a chinese/asian accent sounds more fun. Yeah were kinda stupid. The point is we were there the other day and discussed a couple of interesting topics. 

Whats the Craic!!- Its a term oh saying hello. Hows life going. A greeting. I was excited to here the phrase adn kept saying it to people.

The "Break"- So its the separtion between the butt and thigh. Asian women don't really have the break. Black people love the break, but they also love asian women. Kinda weird. Got to say. I love the break.

Bottom Boob. So at Rira they had a costume contest. They called it Redneck Hoedown. My friend was wearing a shirt that had cut off sleeves. He was talking to these two girls. He said he was revealing "side boob". He was talking to some girl and said that she was revealing a lot of "top boob" normal cleavage. After a while I started talking to her, she mentioned the "top boob". I told her that I have a lot of reverence towards the "top boob", but I love the "bottom boob". Now you might ask why??? Well, "bottom boob" is always pretty much hidden. So when it does come out. Its like a awesome surprise. Like getting a present when its not your birthday. "Bottom Boob" is so rare that makes it all the more precious. Spotting "bottom boob" is like seeing a shooting star. You can't help but be mezmerized by it.

Ok so this post was pretty stupid. I will load pictures for examples, when I am not at work.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What I've learned 26

So it was my birthday last week. I've stated in the past that life is wasted if you don't learn anything. Ive learned little things. I learned how to make risotto. I learned some words. Ive learned some things about the world. The two things that stick out to me the most:

Expectations- I would get mad at people if they did not fulfill my expectations. It is kinda weird if you think about it. Sometimes I think that people should know the social norms. Thinking about that today, I shouldn't really get mad at those things. We all come from different backgrounds. It is pretty unreasonable for me to think that one person should act a way I think they should act. Thats a ME problem for sure. I should just take people as they.

Nothing is impossible with God: I always knew this thing. I always thought about this. I don't think I really believed it though. Through out this year God has been proving that to me over and over again. Ill give you an example. My grandmother has been suffering from a bladder problem for at least six years. She had cancer in her utereus years ago. In Korea, I dont think they had the best cancer treatment back in the day. So basically she would have her bladder not empty out fully. She had to put a catherter in all the time. Carry it like a hand bag. Someone prayed ove her and she was healed. Ive never seen something like this. You hear of these kind of things but you never really see these things. She has been healed for about 2 months now. Amazing

Hopefully I will learn much more and be molded into a better person in my 27th year.