Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day

Leap day is a day that doesn't really exist. Its only here once every four years. I should get married on leap day so I only have to remember my annerversary. So I was thinking of stuff I would do if this day didn't really count. Kinda like the movie groundhogs day, except I wouldn't do anything threatening my life.

Slap the ish out of a stranger. Why? Don't ask stupid questions or I'll slap you too.

Test drive a Ferrari

Crash the Ferrari

Run out on the court or ice of a professional game. (Don't tase me bro)

Pee on the owner of the company I work for. Preferably his face.

Steal a bunch of money from a scumbag and then give it to the poor.

Throw an outrageous party with the poor people.

Im not too creative. So you guys have better ideas. Let me know.

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