Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bad Texter

So these days when you flirt with someone you have to know how to text. Back in college texting was big but I really never did it. Flirting with girls in person is easier because they can hear your tones, sarcasm stuff like that. Well Im not the best flirter too.Probably because most times I just don't give a sh*t and just try to have fun.Im much better in person than over text I think.

 I still only have a limited number of texts.
So I like this girl and now you have to start texting. So Im texting but my texts are kinda weird. At least in my mind. Also do we have to put smiley faces everywhere. Smiley face, winky face, tears running down face, sad face, love faces etc.Shit I dont know I get really confused by all this crap. You know you start texting but Im mad tired and want to get ready for bed. Ill just cut it off like "ok I got to go. Laters."

I guess I usually just end stuff really badly like that. Again its because Im a little too honest. Its like a plane going in for landing. But instead of letting my speed down and and preparing to land. I just freaking crash the plane. The analogy is probably the best analogies for my love life. Subtley is not always the easiest thing for me. Like when Im on the phone, I will hang up on people all the time.

So talked to a couple of people. Actually, more than a couple of people about texting. Learned some things. Working on my finese. Maybe next time I am working texting game I will be better.


  1. All I can think of while reading your entry is... who's the girl?!?! hehehe

  2. Ditto about M's message....
