Tuesday, February 7, 2012

If you escaped What I escaped you .....

We love to judge the people around us. Everytime we meet someone we think. Oh I like that person or Shit I really dont like this person. Funny thing is most of the time we dont really know them. Sometimes we just catch people on the wrong day. Sometimes they are just more of something that day. Lots of times they are just great at putting the best part of themselves in front of people. Sometimes people are nervous and awkward. There is this saying or study, a woman will know in the first 15 seconds whether she will sleep with you or not. Damn 15 seconds is not that long of a time. If you a not good looking, I bet 13 seconds are lost right there. If you dont do well in public, 14 seconds are probably gone or probably all of the time.

So what I am saying is not that women will sleep with you or whatever, but this one time we meet them. We make these outrageous judgements. I was watching this show, Curb your enthusiasm, they said that since the guy had a ugly wife he had more character. Kinda absurb but maybe true. I usually make these jusgements on little things. For some reason, I dont really like most people I meet. I think that they are just ok or I just really dont like them. I am sure most people deep down are good people. But sometimes I jsut dont like people. Must be the Philly in me.

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