Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Things that bother me today

Email Signatures: dont keep them so long. I dont want all these phone numbers from you. I dont care if your part of some organization. I just want to know if you can play basketball. I hate some of these quotes people put on there. Just tell me what you want.

Super Attractive Girl that Knows she is Super Attractive: Yes I like to look at you. But in ten years your gonna look like crap and your gonna still be boring. But yes I still like looking at you now.

New Chip bags: I know you give me a tear here label. But I like opening chips in a certain way. Don't tell me how to open my chips.

Lebron James: You have "Chosen One" tatted on your back and "Witness" on your calf. You had 2 pts in the 4th quarter. I witnessed that you were chosen to suck.

Happy people when you are not happy: Misery loves company and hates everyone else

Rookie Blue: I will not watch this show. ABC stop showing these promos while I am watching basketball.

Shawn Marion's Hair: UGLY

Sexting: Why are you surprised when people find it??

Texting: I am so bad at it.

Twizzlers: your freaking addictive.


  1. haha...still going on about the long signature huh?
    Later dude.

    -Michael Lee
    Co Vice President of the Asian Culture Club
    Chief Secretary of the Cheese Appreciation Society.
    Division of Gwinett County.
    Parkside Vista, Apt 235.
    Phone number: 555-1234
    Email: mlee@gmail.com
    "The wisdom of one generation is the folly of the next."

  2. ahaha, you should write more of these lists. i rather enjoyed it.

  3. this post just made my day.

  4. I chuckled at your clever comment on Lebron's tats...

    I also do not like overly chipper people... especially when I'm not.. pity party for one please... haha.

    Super attractive girl that thinks she's attractive... the song that runs through my mind is..."look at me now, look at me now..." I don't know why... it's not even talking about the same thing...
