Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sports Part 2

The Game 2 of Dallas v Miami that just ended is why I love sports. I know a couple days ago I was thinking about never watching again, but I am a fickle and weak person.

 So watching the game with a bunch of guys and Dallas was down by 15 points. Some people were like the game is over. I said well Dallas came back from this deficit a couple of weeks ago. They shrugged it off. Another guy comes into the house. Dallas starts making a come back. In 1 minute, the game is a 11 point game. I was still hoping that they would come back. Then boom!!! Dallas is within a couple of points. I can't sit down. They tie the game. We are yelling and high fiving. Dallas hits a three and takes the lead. Miami ties the game. We are all depressed. 24 seconds left and Dallas has the ball. We all know who is gonna take the last shot. The star of the team, Dirk Nowitzki. He takes the ball and drives and scores with his injured hand. Excitement enters the place. I am jumping like a little boy on Christmas morning.

The reasons I love sports were all in that game.

1) Drama: I love drama. I never have drama in my life so I like other peoples drama. Sounds jacked up.

2) unpredictability

3) unity: sports brings people together and lets us celebrate together.

4)excitement: I mean how many times in daily life are we excited and jumping up and down screaming.

5) hope: I think this is the biggest thing. It allows me to have hope in other people as well.

6) food: we had damn good food. Korean tacos.

7) superstitions: wearing the same underwear or clothes. Since that one guy entered the room Dallas satarted winning. Even though that guy has nothing to do with the game.

8) The moments in time where your like I remember this.

9) Clutch: the pressured filled moments in life make us heros or humps. It shows what is in our stomach and who we are.

10) telling people about or sharing with people about the game or the sport

1 comment:

  1. Great read! Sports is so exciting.. heehee... Ironically reading your list reminded me of an entry I was contemplating to write... :)

    What if people were as excited about sports as they were about Jesus? If you think about it (without sounding too cheesy) it's pretty dramatic... Satan thinks he's won and then BAM! Jesus does the ultimate comeback!! What if people praised as freely as people who watched their team win an important game or a championship? It's like you don't even care how goofy you like because you are too busy celebrating.. it would be interesting to see how that played if people were less self-conscious... or maybe felt more free to celebrate/praise at church... what do you think?!?
