Friday, February 25, 2011

Going HAM

Some days we just have to go HAM(Hard As a Motherf****). Life as an adult is pretty monotonous. We go to work, go home, maybe do something at night and then we wake up the next day to do it again. It feels like we are stuck in a Groundhog day. Life gets boring or it just beats the crap out of us. It makes us so weary and I feel that sometimes we can lose ourselves. We have to go HAM.

Every now and then we gots to get a little bit crazy and wild to keep our sanity.

Sometimes I just feel like yelling. Its just this primal urge to just yell. Ill go to some place where nobody is and just yell. Same with hitting stuff. Its very cathartic.

I urge everyone to go HAM and as Roscoe Dash  (rapper) says in the song "No Hands" "ill be going ham, upgrade from bologna." You guys can shake your head at that for being so corny. My bad.

1 comment:

  1. Man... I knew I never really understand rap lyrics.... I would have just thought he was talking about upgrading from bologna. Thanks for clearing that up for me! :)
