Thursday, February 17, 2011

Things that make me want to kick people in the Face:

Things that make me want to kick people in the Face:

1. Turning or merging into my lane without using the turn signal. All you have to do is move your one finger and hit the thing. Dont be a jerk just do it.

2. Black people who always blame racism for a problem. How come asians and mexicans don't use that excuse, because were too busy working.

3. The stupid basketball player- has all the skills and atheletism in the world but is there shooting 3s.

4. Girls who look nothing like they do in pictures- I give you a lot of credit, but I hate being fooled.

5. The guy who goes eats your food in the company fridge. Come on you know which one is your stuff.

6. The older lady who wears clothes that belong to 20 yr old girls. Stay in your lane homie.

7. The person who created Peeps, cause I love them and they make you fat.

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