Sunday, September 19, 2010

Whenever I wake up

Waking up used to be such an easy thing for me. I was able to jump out of bed and get excited about the day. Matter of fact, breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. My family would always gather around the table and eat breakfast. We were so busy the other times of the day, but always had time for breakfast. I remember my grandmom just making ridiculous stuff. She would make fried rice, grits , bacon , cheese steaks and all kinds of great items. It was just crazy. We would just have these talks about all kinds of stuff. It was just the moment of day that would bring us close and tighter. We always had to rely on each other and breakfast was our catalyst.

What must I do to make myself a morning person again? Well, I think I am a morning person when I can finally roll out of bed. I actually love my drives. I love listening to music or sports talk radio and wondering what I am gonna do this day. My song I listen to is Wake Up by Arcade Fire. I just love when they have this wail. Sometimes I like to wail when I wake up. It just lets all the bad things from the previous days out. Makes me feel like," Damn son, Day is starting and the day is gonna be mine.:

Second song is PSA by Jay-z. I feel like I am introducing myself back to the world. It also hypes me up and want to punch the day in the face.

I am going to be a morning person again and I will start Pwning the day!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! You changed your background! :)

    Very interesting mind you have DP.... I like to wake up to something softer and slower... not so loud... :)
