Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What two men cant do together

The other day I was at the museum. I was with a girl and a guy. I was wondering if it were gay or socially (like wearing an all velvet suit)not acceptable to go with another man. Here is my list. Please leave some comments and tell me what I should add.

Two men can't go eat tapas. Food is too tiny our hands are too big. Its also pretty dark.

Two men cant go to a movie together unless there is a seat of separation in between.  unless there is no space in the theater.

Two men don't share dessert.

Two men cant go to the bathroom together. They might be both headed there but not to go so they can talk. Gay.

What else cant two men do together?

1 comment:

  1. If it's things girls can do together that guys can't and be socially acceptable, I'd say hold hands, have slumber parties/sleepovers, work on each other's get my drift.
