Thursday, January 7, 2016


2016 is here and I realize the weaknesses that I have to strengthen. I have to become more disciplined and more organized. Everyone who knows me knows that I am really unorganized. I think it has hindered me in many different areas in life. I know that this is a big weakness and I have to make a change.
Practical thing I will do to be more organized:
Buy white board and keep track of things
Buy calendar and stay on top of it
Have a cork board and flash cards to arrange goals and different things.

I also have to be more disciplined (eating, exercising, work, spiritually) . I guess that's for everyone.
Practical things I can do.
Get a team to keep me accountable and don't disagree with them. Let them tell me and LISTEN to whatever they say.
Have Goals and reevaluate them every quarter
Reduce my goals by half. This is important so I can feel good about myself. Lower expectations are good things at times.
Forgive myself if I mess up, I read this recently from a guy who lost 125 pounds last year. I will fuck up, but its important to be nice to myself. Encourage myself. Team Dan.

Things I hate recently

When people tell me "You're Welcome" when I didn't say thank you. They'll make a suggestion and then go you're welcome. What type of arrogant thing is that? You're welcome....For real.. How about maybe if I like your suggestion and I thank you for it, the you can say you're welcome. But before that, come on man.

I see you next year.....No Ill see you in a week. Ive heard this little quip or joke too many times. Please stop saying that. It makes you look stupid and corny. Its like the people that clap when someone drops plates. Really are you ten? If you want to give them a clap why don't you just go help them asshole.

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