Thursday, January 23, 2014

2013 Recap

2013 was aite.
Did I learn to love God and people more? Yes. I learned different aspects of God. I learned about His character. It has lead me to share with people with more confidence. I was able to share in the Word more often. I finished the Bible. I actually am better at loving people. Better at reaching out to people. Better at reaching out to people that society doesn't love as much. I still have a long way to go, but I know I can get there.

 Did I fall in love with the woman of my dreams? Did I even identify that girl? No but thats ok. I still have determination to find that woman. I am not losing hope. I went on several dates. They were a lot more than the past year. I even tried talking to this girl for like 3 months. I tried to be more vulnerable. Its hard but I thinking Im getting there.

Am I doing what I would like to do all my life (occupation wise)? No but I had a job that I didn't like and got a better one. I get paid more and less worries about money now. I'm trying to get to the next steps and have a clearer vision, because without vision there is no light. If there is no light, you can never move forward to where you want to go.

Did I become more active? yes. I think I am in better shape. ....Maybe

Am I more rounded as a person? I think so. I learned more about culture and things. Not through books but through people and their experiences. 

Did I deal with challenging circumstances? Yes. Getting a new job, things at church, things in my personal life, things in other peoples lives. Through all these things, God was present and helped me.

Am I a better person than one year ago?

Yes I am. I can say that boldly and confidently. I can say because of that reason, I did have a good year. I grew closer to God and people. I am filled with more joy and grace than ever. Humdu Allah. Praise Jesus my redeemer and Friend.

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