Monday, December 12, 2011
48/100 office stuff
So we have this drawing for the holidays. If you do X amount of something you get to have a chance for a prize. We have Christmas ornaments on the tree and each one is numbered. Each number belongs to a certain prize. I pulled 29. My one and only pull. Somebody had four pulls. The ornaments prize was 20 dollars to PF Changs. Just my luck I thought an Asian guy gets a gift card to an Asian restaurant.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
47/100 UMMMM....
Yeah So I was walking to the printer and I was looking at this girls chest. I basically was getting up and raising my head to walk in front of me and I see these big things. She looked back at me kinda peeved. I looked at her guilty. She was wearing a really low cut shirt. I was defeated before I even had a chance to defend myself. The question is "Am I in fault?" I already know she has fake enhancements. So, obviously she wants attention or she had an insecurity.
This is the not the first time in my life where I was caught looking at a girls chest or behind. I do feel bad like I had my hand in the cookie jar. But beauty should be appreciated, but next time more discreetly.
This is the not the first time in my life where I was caught looking at a girls chest or behind. I do feel bad like I had my hand in the cookie jar. But beauty should be appreciated, but next time more discreetly.
Monday, December 5, 2011
46/100 Free Sh*t
What makes people love free sh*t so much??? I could be the crappiest thing but people love free stuff. We have contests at work sometimes to motivate people and we love those contests. Shouldn't the contest in life matter more than a short term contest? We go out and do more stuff for the free or reduced price stuff then the things taht probably matter more. Example: 5 years ago the 76ers had this promotion of 76 cents per gallon at this one gas station for about 3 hours. I know this gas station. I am determined to go. I see the line is about 75 cars long. I left and I heard on the news people waited for 2 hours more. Why don't you just work an hour longer and make some money. Free sh*t is good, but damn it seems like a waste of time most of the time.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Post 45/100 Shek
Shek means Jerk in Konglish (Korean English) slang. Someone said my nickname should be shek. It felt kinda harsh, but after a day or so I have accepted the title. I will wear the crown of shek proudly. I love being a shek or should I say love being myself. Why shouldn't we make fun of each other or say inappropreiate things? Sure, it might hurt someones feelings but get over it. Your grown. We are not children anymore. Shit people say shouldn't sting you that much because most people in the world are idiots. Now, when a person you respect and love says something. It does hurt, but you know what maybe you need to hear that stuff. You need to hear that you are not the best thing on Earth and have an ego. I use to teach youth kids. They were in highschool. The think they are cool, at least the kids I taught. I use to cut them down every opportunity I got. They love me to this day because of it. So if I am a shek to you, its all out of love. If you are offended, go develop some thicker skin.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
44/100 Families
God has blessed me with different families. It is difficult being away from your real family. I'm close to my family and a lot of times I miss just being with them. Not just talking to them or seeing them, but physically being close to them. We don't have to say words, but just knowing they are there makes me feel good.
I have been blessed to have multiple families here in Atlanta. Church has become my friends and family. At times, I thought it was kinda pathetic that all my friends were from church. I realized that these people are some of the best people that I know. Why should I be ashamed of that? I should proclaim and praise God for placing awesome people in my life. This is going to be the 4th year that I will not be home for Thanksgiving. I will be celebrating with my church family. It is such a blessing to have people in my life to care about me. Even if they think I'm a shek. Even if they call me a shek all the time thats love.
The people at my work have become more and more my family also. Today we are doing a potluck. I am not only excited about food, but sharing life. Its awesome just sharing stories. We understand the difficulties of the job. The stress and pressure of this job. Although, many people have come and gone. We grow strong. There are some quality people here and I am blessed to have them around me.
I have been blessed to have multiple families here in Atlanta. Church has become my friends and family. At times, I thought it was kinda pathetic that all my friends were from church. I realized that these people are some of the best people that I know. Why should I be ashamed of that? I should proclaim and praise God for placing awesome people in my life. This is going to be the 4th year that I will not be home for Thanksgiving. I will be celebrating with my church family. It is such a blessing to have people in my life to care about me. Even if they think I'm a shek. Even if they call me a shek all the time thats love.
The people at my work have become more and more my family also. Today we are doing a potluck. I am not only excited about food, but sharing life. Its awesome just sharing stories. We understand the difficulties of the job. The stress and pressure of this job. Although, many people have come and gone. We grow strong. There are some quality people here and I am blessed to have them around me.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Post 43/100 Ethics
I went to lunch with my coworker and he was put in a dilemma. Do something shady and get the deal done or keep your integrity and just take the loss? We told him that the punishment outweighs the reward. He was listening to us but he kept bringing up how much money he was gonna lose.
I was put in that situation as we all were. I still see something and think "man I could just steal this". I think sometimes but of course the sensible, moral part of you clears your head. Is it really worth going to jail or messing someone up by doing this for this short term reward??? No. But I guess God puts these challenges in front of us and tries to test our mettle.
I was put in that situation as we all were. I still see something and think "man I could just steal this". I think sometimes but of course the sensible, moral part of you clears your head. Is it really worth going to jail or messing someone up by doing this for this short term reward??? No. But I guess God puts these challenges in front of us and tries to test our mettle.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Post 42/100 Color inside the lines
So baically, I've never been great at listening to directions. I don't read most invitations or long emails. I just get so bored. Example: My dad told me to pick him up from the airport at 11 on New Years Eve. I go out to the airport and hes not there.I call him and hes like I said 11pm. DOH!!! I just assumed he meant 11 am because who would get a flight on new years eve at 11pm. I guess he did.
There are many more examples in my life. Missing events or going to places at the wrongs time. I really need to be organized more. Most of the time it doesnt really bother me too much. This is one of the things I need to work on.
There are many more examples in my life. Missing events or going to places at the wrongs time. I really need to be organized more. Most of the time it doesnt really bother me too much. This is one of the things I need to work on.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Post 41/100 Were Done here right
One day, I see a friend kinda in a cafe. She was on the computer. I say whats up and she says that she was killing time. She had to wait for this thing. We made small talk and then there was this silence. This silence usually signifies that the conversation is over. I asked her the question " So were done here right?" I immediately regretted my comments. It was really weird to say that. The truth of the matter was that the conversation was probably over. She said that she was thinking of a question. I really believe that the conversation was over.
The truth is that we don't really talk about those situations. Those social situations where society deems us to follow these rules like if you see someone you know you have to do these stop and chats. Sometimes you dont even know these peoples names but you have talk to these people because society says so. So many rules that we have to abide by. DAMN IT!!!
The truth is that we don't really talk about those situations. Those social situations where society deems us to follow these rules like if you see someone you know you have to do these stop and chats. Sometimes you dont even know these peoples names but you have talk to these people because society says so. So many rules that we have to abide by. DAMN IT!!!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Post 40/100 Fertility Clinic
My office is located on the same floor as this fertility clinic. I ride the elevator with some of the patients every now and then. Were in the elevator for maybe 30-40 seconds. By now, I can tell who is going to that clinic. Most of the time they are dressed pretty casually.
When I look into their faces, the reactions are always the best. Sometimes, its nervousness and anxiousness. Other times, they are pretty happy. Maybe because of the hope of getting a baby . I usually build stories in my head of what is going on. What the specific situation is. Maybe they have been trying for years.thinking about some crazy situations.
Sometimes there are women and men just donating their "stuff". I really can't tell those people apart from the other. I wonder, should I ever donate??? Have little Dan Parks running around with me not ever knowing they are my seed.
When I look into their faces, the reactions are always the best. Sometimes, its nervousness and anxiousness. Other times, they are pretty happy. Maybe because of the hope of getting a baby . I usually build stories in my head of what is going on. What the specific situation is. Maybe they have been trying for years.thinking about some crazy situations.
Sometimes there are women and men just donating their "stuff". I really can't tell those people apart from the other. I wonder, should I ever donate??? Have little Dan Parks running around with me not ever knowing they are my seed.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Post 39/100 When that Day Comes!
I talked with my friends today and we were talking about the things we push back. We push it back and back. We say someday. Then that day comes and we are like crap. I've wasted my days and not accomplished my goals. I wonder if I will be satisfied with some of the decisions.
Maybe I have to sideline some goals to acheive something I've never thought of. I was reading a piece on Diane Keaton. She had to put her career ahead of a family. It was the exact opposite of what her mother has done. She always wondered if her mother could have been. If she would have still been happy with her decision.
I always wish I would know different outcomes in my life. What if I went to UCLA or Penn State? What would have my life looked like? Would I ever have done what I have done? Maybe I'd be dead in a ditch who knows.
I think basically when the day comes I am not regretting that I haven't accomplished the goals I wanted to do. I need to basically motivate myself and complete all the things I want to do. If I don't, I say I tried and keep it moving.
Maybe I have to sideline some goals to acheive something I've never thought of. I was reading a piece on Diane Keaton. She had to put her career ahead of a family. It was the exact opposite of what her mother has done. She always wondered if her mother could have been. If she would have still been happy with her decision.
I always wish I would know different outcomes in my life. What if I went to UCLA or Penn State? What would have my life looked like? Would I ever have done what I have done? Maybe I'd be dead in a ditch who knows.
I think basically when the day comes I am not regretting that I haven't accomplished the goals I wanted to do. I need to basically motivate myself and complete all the things I want to do. If I don't, I say I tried and keep it moving.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Post 38/100 NBA
Dear National Basketball Association,
Yes, I am calling you by your whole name because you have angered me. All of the excitement that the playoffs have brought is now gone. I have been a life long fan. I have been a sixers fan all of my life. Suffered through Shawn Bradley, Jeff Hornachek, Manute Bol, Clarence Weatherspoon, Corless Williamson etc. I have suffered because I love the NBA. When you had those commercials about "I love this game" that was me. Listening to games on the radio, looking at stats in the paper (not online), watching games on NBC (still best theme song ever), playing the video games (Jordan v Bird is still awesome) and etc.
I am officially hating you. I hate you like a jilted woman hates her cheating husband. I hate you like I hate Ashton Kutcher. I hate you like I hate bussel sprouts. I hate you like I hate the Cowboys.
I was excited about seeing the improvement of the Sixers, emergence of the Thunder, last stand for Boston and maybe Kobe also, seeing the Heat can be clutch and etc. But no. You are all a bunch of bitches. Owners are dumb for paying someone like Kwame Brown 6 million a year. Players are stupid for not realizing that they will never get this awesome of a job anywhere else. Most of you guys are gonna go bankrupt anyway. Doesn't matter if you have 50 mil or 100 mil. Most of y'all are going broke anyways. Why does it even matter? Maybe you guys should go get your degrees and start handling your finances better.
So NBA good luck to you and the rest of this year, because I am officially breaking up with you.
This is how I feel about you
Yes, I am calling you by your whole name because you have angered me. All of the excitement that the playoffs have brought is now gone. I have been a life long fan. I have been a sixers fan all of my life. Suffered through Shawn Bradley, Jeff Hornachek, Manute Bol, Clarence Weatherspoon, Corless Williamson etc. I have suffered because I love the NBA. When you had those commercials about "I love this game" that was me. Listening to games on the radio, looking at stats in the paper (not online), watching games on NBC (still best theme song ever), playing the video games (Jordan v Bird is still awesome) and etc.
I am officially hating you. I hate you like a jilted woman hates her cheating husband. I hate you like I hate Ashton Kutcher. I hate you like I hate bussel sprouts. I hate you like I hate the Cowboys.
I was excited about seeing the improvement of the Sixers, emergence of the Thunder, last stand for Boston and maybe Kobe also, seeing the Heat can be clutch and etc. But no. You are all a bunch of bitches. Owners are dumb for paying someone like Kwame Brown 6 million a year. Players are stupid for not realizing that they will never get this awesome of a job anywhere else. Most of you guys are gonna go bankrupt anyway. Doesn't matter if you have 50 mil or 100 mil. Most of y'all are going broke anyways. Why does it even matter? Maybe you guys should go get your degrees and start handling your finances better.
So NBA good luck to you and the rest of this year, because I am officially breaking up with you.
This is how I feel about you
Monday, November 14, 2011
Post 37/100 Lifetime
I was listening to the radio and Maxwell came on. Lifetime was the song. I don't think I really listened to the lyrics before. He says, "I was reborn, when I was broken". I was leaving my car and I couldn't stop thinking about that line. I actually thought it was " I was born when I was broken".
For a couple of days, those lyrics were on my mind. What Do I mean by broken? I guess an event that shakes up your life.
We are really aren't "us" til we get broken. Its pretty scary to get broken. No one likes it, but its really for our benefit. Maybe. I believe in God , so I believe that it is His will. His will is always good, even when it isn't. I guess its like being spanked as a kid. You don't like it, but when you grow up you understand why it had to be done.
I was first broken by my dad leaving me when I was four. Having a lot of hate in my heart. A lot of anger. Lots of resentment. But learning from that moment and getting stronger. Letting go of the hate, anger, resentment and bitterness. Learning that my earthly father is not the person that I will have to trust. Basically, God is the only one that I will have my back no matter what.
After your broken, and you resolved your issues from it(if you were strong enough to reslove them). You feel good and fresh. Like you were reborn
Maxwell Lifetime Lyrics on the Bottom
I was reborn when I was broken
I wouldn't believe, I wouldn't believe, no
been thru a storm, no use in hoping
that you would come rescue me
somehow your love set me free
And I, I can let my life pass me by
or I can get down and try
work it all out this lifetime
work it on out this time
I can let it all pass me by
or I can get down and try
work it all out this lifetime lifetime
There was a time when love wasn't chosen
now I'm just open for more
now I'm just reaching out for something better
that I had before, girl
there ain't a bottom line in your world
Ooh and I, I can let my life pass me by
or I can get down and try
work it all out this lifetime
work it on out this time
I can let it all pass me by
or I can just try and try
I can move to the light
oh if I take it one day at a time (oh I)
oh spread my love out and fly
oh I (I can move to the light)
ooh I can just make you understand
that love is not a fairytale in a melody
if you want it you can have it girl
maybe you will see maybe you will see (ooh ooh)
ooh oh oh wo oh
lifetime lifetime
repeat chorus
For a couple of days, those lyrics were on my mind. What Do I mean by broken? I guess an event that shakes up your life.
We are really aren't "us" til we get broken. Its pretty scary to get broken. No one likes it, but its really for our benefit. Maybe. I believe in God , so I believe that it is His will. His will is always good, even when it isn't. I guess its like being spanked as a kid. You don't like it, but when you grow up you understand why it had to be done.
I was first broken by my dad leaving me when I was four
After your broken, and you resolved your issues from it(if you were strong enough to reslove them). You feel good and fresh. Like you were reborn
Maxwell Lifetime Lyrics on the Bottom
I was reborn when I was broken
I wouldn't believe, I wouldn't believe, no
been thru a storm, no use in hoping
that you would come rescue me
somehow your love set me free
And I, I can let my life pass me by
or I can get down and try
work it all out this lifetime
work it on out this time
I can let it all pass me by
or I can get down and try
work it all out this lifetime lifetime
There was a time when love wasn't chosen
now I'm just open for more
now I'm just reaching out for something better
that I had before, girl
there ain't a bottom line in your world
Ooh and I, I can let my life pass me by
or I can get down and try
work it all out this lifetime
work it on out this time
I can let it all pass me by
or I can just try and try
I can move to the light
oh if I take it one day at a time (oh I)
oh spread my love out and fly
oh I (I can move to the light)
ooh I can just make you understand
that love is not a fairytale in a melody
if you want it you can have it girl
maybe you will see maybe you will see (ooh ooh)
ooh oh oh wo oh
lifetime lifetime
repeat chorus
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Post 36/100 I've made a Huge mistake
I've made plenty of mistakes in my life. Probably a couple everyday. Its not really a bad thing, if you learn from it. I make choices and sometimes I immediately regret the choices I have made. For example, I like to talk. I say a lot of stupid ish. Sometimes, I feel the words coming out and they are floating in the air. I just want to put them back in my mouth. Basically, I say a lot of stupid things that I want to take back. I order food and I am like I regret my decision.
I am a do-er and sometimes I rush to my choices. I do put thought into it, but sometimes I may not put enough time into the choices. I usually am pretty confident in my choices. But confidence doesn't mean its always right.
Its funny because there is always that moment of clarity when you made a mistake. As they say in Arrested Development "I've made a huge mistake".
Ive made a huge mistake by alexis711
I am a do-er and sometimes I rush to my choices. I do put thought into it, but sometimes I may not put enough time into the choices. I usually am pretty confident in my choices. But confidence doesn't mean its always right.
Its funny because there is always that moment of clarity when you made a mistake. As they say in Arrested Development "I've made a huge mistake".
Ive made a huge mistake by alexis711
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Post 35/100 My BusinAss
*Before I talk about it, let me say that I also am at fault on this.*
People ask you what you did or where you went. Now they always want to know who was there with you. Its kinda annoying. Or if you are going somewhere, then who else is gonna be there.
What am I not enough for you??? Probably; the answer is yes. You are not enough for me so I would also like to know who is gonna be there.
Sometimes, I feel like "Ninja, your in my business to much. Back the F off." It might be a little extreme but thats how I feel. What I have to list 10 names if I went out with a bunch of people. You know what? Why don't you come out and then you will find out. I already let you into my business telling you where I went. I don't want you to know other peoples business. I hear people say"Oh I heard"..... Im like WTF!! Heard from who. You know what shut your mouth.
Too much Philly is coming out of me now. Its been a long day.
Something positive:
Heavy D's last Tweet: BE INSPIRED
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Post 34/100 Joe Fraizer
Smoking Joe Fraizer died last night. Even though he was not in my generation and didn't get to see him fight, I always loved him. My mom had a store. We would always pass by his gym. I would wonder who this guy was. One day, I asked one of the customers. They told me that the greatest fighter ever owned that gym. From that point on, I was a fan. First, he was from Philly. Second, he was a gritty hard nosed guy. I did my research. I saw a couple of his fights on tape and really admired him.
As I have gotten older, I did more research and saw more of his fights. I was more impressed every time I saw him. This was a guy who never back down. Always going forward. Never stepping back for anyone. The only way he knew how to fight was this way. Never backing up for a second. A True Philidelphian!!! RIP. May God Welcome you home.
As I have gotten older, I did more research and saw more of his fights. I was more impressed every time I saw him. This was a guy who never back down. Always going forward. Never stepping back for anyone. The only way he knew how to fight was this way. Never backing up for a second. A True Philidelphian!!! RIP. May God Welcome you home.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Post 33/100 Random Thoughts
sorry, I failed. I didn't post the last couple of days. Weekends are always hard.
Bought some organic stuff. Taste just like the stuff that isn't organic, but double the price. Is it really organic?
I hate paying for food that I know is not going to be as good. The price states something and you know you could get somethign better for half the price.
Somebody gave me a really good hug the other day.
I always feel weird in the long embrace of a hug. I don't want to hug for too long because its weird and if it is too short then its not genuine enough.
I am wearing a sweater vest at work. I feel gay.
We got in new phones at work and had a 45 min training. What a waste of time???
Forgot how good Dru Hill was. So many classics.
Mondays are so busy.
Home prices are cheap as hell.
Bought some organic stuff. Taste just like the stuff that isn't organic, but double the price. Is it really organic?
I hate paying for food that I know is not going to be as good. The price states something and you know you could get somethign better for half the price.
Somebody gave me a really good hug the other day.
I always feel weird in the long embrace of a hug. I don't want to hug for too long because its weird and if it is too short then its not genuine enough.
I am wearing a sweater vest at work. I feel gay.
We got in new phones at work and had a 45 min training. What a waste of time???
Forgot how good Dru Hill was. So many classics.
Mondays are so busy.
Home prices are cheap as hell.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Post 32/100 Death
Death is a part of life. You come into the world and someone needs to leave. I don't fear death too much. I know where I am going to go. If the Father calls, I have to answer.
The biggest fear I have about death is if I go before my mom. I know she will be devastated and I am not sure if she can handle that. I pray God takes me after my mom. It is unnatural for someone to see their kids die before they do.
Death does leave hurt. I talked to a coworker the other day. He was smoking one of these electric cigarettes.I asked him how long he was trying to quit smoking. He told me he started smoking when his wife, mother and sister all died within the span of two months. I saw the tears still in his eyes. The hurt is always there. It weakens over time, but its always gonna be there.
The biggest fear I have about death is if I go before my mom. I know she will be devastated and I am not sure if she can handle that. I pray God takes me after my mom. It is unnatural for someone to see their kids die before they do.
Death does leave hurt. I talked to a coworker the other day. He was smoking one of these electric cigarettes.I asked him how long he was trying to quit smoking. He told me he started smoking when his wife, mother and sister all died within the span of two months. I saw the tears still in his eyes. The hurt is always there. It weakens over time, but its always gonna be there.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Post 31/100 Grantland
Bill Simmons, long time writer for Espn, started a website full of blogs that cover Sports and Pop culture. I got to say it is addictive. I love reading it daily. I read about Ryan Reynolds not being a star, wrestling, the mysterious death of Gatti, divorce of Kim Kardashian and etc.
I have got to say it is one of the best sites on the internet. Go visit it
I have got to say it is one of the best sites on the internet. Go visit it
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Post 30/100 Halloween
I was a Panda for Halloween this year. Unlike the previous years, I did not get drunk this year. Still had a good time at Hallejuah night (an alternative the church offers). I saw some pretty awesome costumes online. I am wondering what I should be next year. Hopefully I can lose weight, because Ill probably have more options as far as costumes go. Can't be a fat asian in everything.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Post 29/100 Halloween in the Past Pics
Post 28/100 Halloween in the past
Today I have to double post because of my miss over the weekend. I would have blog but I was somewhere I couldn't access the internet. So, will tell you of my Halloweens of the past.
When I was a kid, I was Dracula for almost 6 years. My mom bought me a Dracu la costume that was a couple sizes big. So I could wear for numerous years.
I loved Halloween. FREE CANDY. When were young, we use to get up all the candy and at the end of the night. We get all of our candy and play poker with it.
I love Halloween.
When I was a kid, I was Dracula for almost 6 years. My mom bought me a Dracu la costume that was a couple sizes big. So I could wear for numerous years.
I loved Halloween. FREE CANDY. When were young, we use to get up all the candy and at the end of the night. We get all of our candy and play poker with it.
I love Halloween.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Post 26/100 Halloween @ office
We had a contest for our office. The Dead file and some guy who dressed like a fat Green Latern won. I got third.
Guess Why I am so happy??
Guess Why I am so happy??
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Post 25/100 All Apologies
Its pretty hard to say I am sorry. What I realized over the past years, is that you should just come out and say it. We all know it sucks admitting your wrong. No one likes to be wrong. But I realized that most times in my life I am wrong. I might not admit it that second, but I am willing to tell you I've made a mistake.
Sometimes I feel like a professional apologizer like Larry David. But it is appropriate to admit when you are sorry for hurting peoples feelings. You might think its stupid and they are too sensitive, but you save a lot of grief that way. You also repair your relationship with that person. But when you apologize you have to let them vent or yell at you. It kinda comes with the territory. Yeah, it makes you feel like a bitch, but in reality your being a bigger person.
There was a guy who asked, "When was the last time you apologized?" He thought that if you haven't apologized to someone in a long time than there is something wrong. We go through out our lives doing bad/stupid things. If we haven't said sorry in a while, its probably pride messing with us.
But if I think I am right, I will fight with you. I think I have been getting better with my stubbornness. But I will fight you.
Sometimes I feel like a professional apologizer like Larry David. But it is appropriate to admit when you are sorry for hurting peoples feelings. You might think its stupid and they are too sensitive, but you save a lot of grief that way. You also repair your relationship with that person. But when you apologize you have to let them vent or yell at you. It kinda comes with the territory. Yeah, it makes you feel like a bitch, but in reality your being a bigger person.
There was a guy who asked, "When was the last time you apologized?" He thought that if you haven't apologized to someone in a long time than there is something wrong. We go through out our lives doing bad/stupid things. If we haven't said sorry in a while, its probably pride messing with us.
But if I think I am right, I will fight with you. I think I have been getting better with my stubbornness. But I will fight you.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Post 24/100 Baseball
Since the World Series is happening, let me tell you why I love baseball.
I love the crack of the bat. When that ball hits that bat perfectly, it is awesome. You know right away that it is gone.
I love the anticipation of the at bats. Sure some people might say its slow, but you wait and it builds. Its kinda like a movie. If its a full count, two men on base. You wait with eagerness and excitement. Your heart starts pounding. Your antsy. Sweat starts to form with nervousness. Then the climax hits. Either a out or a hit. So exciting.
I love the unpredicatability of it. Suddenly a person can become a goat to a hero in two moments.
Plays and moments that define careers. Jeter's jumping throw, Hamel's amazing world series, Schilling and the bloody sock, The Black Beard. Aaron Freaking Boone. The Idiots. The Rally Monkey,
I love the strategy. The lefty, righty matchup. Pinch runner. Moving your defenders in or out or over. Bull pen use. Using your pitchers on 3 days. Moving a runner over. Hit and runs. Pinch batters. All That stuff. I love it.
i love questioning the coach. Everybody has an opinion on why they didnt take a pitcher out. "Why?" is always the great question.
I hope people enjoy the Series. I pray the Phillies will make it next year. My heart still aches this season. Its like the 2002 Eagles all over again.
I love the crack of the bat. When that ball hits that bat perfectly, it is awesome. You know right away that it is gone.
I love the anticipation of the at bats. Sure some people might say its slow, but you wait and it builds. Its kinda like a movie. If its a full count, two men on base. You wait with eagerness and excitement. Your heart starts pounding. Your antsy. Sweat starts to form with nervousness. Then the climax hits. Either a out or a hit. So exciting.
I love the unpredicatability of it. Suddenly a person can become a goat to a hero in two moments.
Plays and moments that define careers. Jeter's jumping throw, Hamel's amazing world series, Schilling and the bloody sock, The Black Beard. Aaron Freaking Boone. The Idiots. The Rally Monkey,
I love the strategy. The lefty, righty matchup. Pinch runner. Moving your defenders in or out or over. Bull pen use. Using your pitchers on 3 days. Moving a runner over. Hit and runs. Pinch batters. All That stuff. I love it.
i love questioning the coach. Everybody has an opinion on why they didnt take a pitcher out. "Why?" is always the great question.
I hope people enjoy the Series. I pray the Phillies will make it next year. My heart still aches this season. Its like the 2002 Eagles all over again.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Post 23/100 How I discovered Biggie
I tell you a story how I came across the Notorious BIG. When I was 11, I went to my uncles house. He and his wife had a small 1 bedroom apartment. I remember going through his CD collection. Found some interesting stuff like Boyz II Men, Usher (his first album when Usher was a kid), Kenny G and Biggie. I looked at the CD. I remember talking about him and he hadn't died yet. I ask my uncle where he got this from. He told me the mail man had accidently delivered it to his house with a bunch of other CDs. I asked him if I could have it and he said yes. From there I listened to that CD non stop. Walking to school. Walking around the town. It became my CD that defined some of my childhood.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Post 22/100 Sexy Siri
As the world knows, the Iphone 4s has come out. It has a feature called Siri. Already people are raving about it. Basically, it says a lot of stuff. One thing I have been hearing is that men have been loving Siri more. They love just talking to it. Some say it responds better than a woman. Basically, the phone will actually listen to you. I think some men are going to fall in love with this thing.
I want to create a program. Sexy Siri, I should patent this, will be just like Siri but say risque things. It will also show porn and things of that nature. Think about it. People marry pillows these days. Why not phones?
This is why our society is stupid.
I want to create a program. Sexy Siri, I should patent this, will be just like Siri but say risque things. It will also show porn and things of that nature. Think about it. People marry pillows these days. Why not phones?
This is why our society is stupid.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
post 21/100 Goals
Things I want to do before the year ends:
Wake up earlier!!!
Worker harder and longer hours!!
Pray and read the Bible More!!
Eat Less!!!
Work out More!!!
Maybe more me time!!
Maybe not say eh anymore!!
Get excited!!
Get Hallelujah night costume!!
Get a mixer and start learning!!
keep on practicing the salsa and go to a club
Go on a date
Wake up earlier!!!
Worker harder and longer hours!!
Pray and read the Bible More!!
Eat Less!!!
Work out More!!!
Maybe more me time!!
Maybe not say eh anymore!!
Get excited!!
Get Hallelujah night costume!!
Get a mixer and start learning!!
keep on practicing the salsa and go to a club
Go on a date
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Post 20/100 Best Thing I never had
There are two songs in my head right now "Best Thing I never had" by Beyonce and "Nigg@s in Paris" by Kanye and Jay-z.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Post 19/100 Man-food Tour
Woody's: As soon as we get to the counter, I could tell the guy was from Philly. I said where he was from. He said South Philly. I told I was also from Philly. Then, I proceed to order a Cheese Steak, but I told him to cut it into 3. I think I lost what ever credibility I had. The cheese steak was Ok. The bread wasn't all that. On to the next one.
HD-1- It is a new hot dog place created by Top Chef Richard Blais. First thing I noticed was the door. Freaking huge. Yokozuna could fit easily thru that door. We ordered a Lobster Roll, East Bound and Down dog and a Pastrami Dog with Waffle Fries. First off, I gots to tell you that the Waffle Fries were awesome . They had a teriyaki kind of sauce on them. The Lobster roll was meh. There was no hot dog in the roll. Oh yeah the rolls were pretty good. All of them were toasted. Eastbound was BBQ with some pulled pork on it. It was awesome. Pastrami tasted like pastrami stuffed into some casing. You know what . It was delicious. Wash it all down with a Mexican Coke and it was all good.
OMG Taco- We went and thought it closed at 12. They changed the hours to 11. They had a cool counter. They made it look like a food truck.
Little 5 Pizza- Had to pick a 4th. It was ok. One of the guys ordered a Sicilian. It was not.
Vortex little 5- The anchor of our marathon. We were full by this time. We ordered the Elvis burger and fried Zucchinis. They put Peanut Butter and Fried Bananas on their burger. It was great. Great last place to go. Side Note: Great music. This one girl sitting behind us was spitting some of the rhymes to this song. I was really attracted to her after that.We were "so full" (my friend loves saying this). Satisfied at our impromptu quest. This is one of the reasons I love being single, young and free.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Post 18/100 Fine
I was watching this movie 50/50. He kept telling people he was fine when he was not. Why the hell do we do that? Is it because of our pride? We don't want people feeling pity for us? Are we scared to let people in and tell them the truth? Its hard telling people what really affecting us. I feel like sometimes I have to smile even when I don't want to. But soemtimes life is a bitch and we should tell people.
I thought this was pretty funny.
I thought this was pretty funny.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Post 17/100 dumb and dumber
As a society, we are becoming dumber and dumber in some ways. It seems like we cannot remember anything anymore. A coworker of mine had his contacts wiped out. He said he couldn't even call his home phone. He had to call HR to get his number, but he still remembered his grandfathers number from 30 years ago. Pretty Ridiculous. I had at least ten numbers memorized before. I only have three numbers memorized. My credit card number, cell phone and mom cell. Yeah I know credit card number sounds weird.
I talked to a teacher the other day and she says that they do not teach the kids to memorize anything. Its all trying to figure things out. It sounds weird to me. Are we taking steps backwards with all of this technology? Is our ADHD society causing us to be dumber? Is our education system failing our future?
I don't know. I probably won't remember have the stuff I'm writing anyways.
I talked to a teacher the other day and she says that they do not teach the kids to memorize anything. Its all trying to figure things out. It sounds weird to me. Are we taking steps backwards with all of this technology? Is our ADHD society causing us to be dumber? Is our education system failing our future?
I don't know. I probably won't remember have the stuff I'm writing anyways.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Post 16/100 Trying to get back what you lost
When I was five years old, I loved the teenage mutant ninja turtles. They were my favorite. My friends and I would play a character and such. My favorite toys were my Ninja turtle toys. One day my friend broke my ninja turtle. I was sadden by my loss. My mom took me to a store, kinda like Walmart it was called Care Fore. I went to the Toy department and stole the exact same toy. Someone already took it out of the packaging soI thought I could just take it. I walked by the security guard shaken in my boots. I got in the car thinking I got away with my first heist. My mom found the toy and smack the crap out of me. I always felt guilty about that Raphael toy I stole.
We do that in life all the time. We try to get something back that we already lost. Sometimes its our youth. You see those old people still in the club. Its like hey your old you should be on the next stuff. We try to play sports and things like we are stil 18 then we pull our back.
Sometimes we try to make up for lost time, money and so on. We should just realize that somethings are lost and never could be made up. We can't live our lives regretting everything.
We do that in life all the time. We try to get something back that we already lost. Sometimes its our youth. You see those old people still in the club. Its like hey your old you should be on the next stuff. We try to play sports and things like we are stil 18 then we pull our back.
Sometimes we try to make up for lost time, money and so on. We should just realize that somethings are lost and never could be made up. We can't live our lives regretting everything.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Post 15/100 Weird Dreams
I have had several weird dreams this weekend. I haven't been dreaming in a while too. I wonder what they mean. Probably non sense.
The first dream I had a couple nights ago. I was basically in Zombie land. I had several friends with me. The only way you could kill the zombies was slicing their throasts. I kinda went on an adventure, but I got several people killed. I don't know why the hell I would be dreaming of something horrific like this. Its weird.
Dream #2- Lasst night I had a dream . I was in this dingy place and found two people murdered. They blamed me and I blamed this monkey. More like a gorilla. I went to my mom's house and was preparing to kill this gorilla. I prepared traps and all these things. I went and I knew he was there. He was stalking me. I got my gun and went outside. I told my mom to give me some back up. I finally see the monkey. Then, I black out. I wake up and find that my mom has killed the gorilla. Shot it in the head and its heart was bleeding on the floor. She told me to get a garbage bag and help her clean the body up.
Weird Dreams.
The first dream I had a couple nights ago. I was basically in Zombie land. I had several friends with me. The only way you could kill the zombies was slicing their throasts. I kinda went on an adventure, but I got several people killed. I don't know why the hell I would be dreaming of something horrific like this. Its weird.
Dream #2- Lasst night I had a dream . I was in this dingy place and found two people murdered. They blamed me and I blamed this monkey. More like a gorilla. I went to my mom's house and was preparing to kill this gorilla. I prepared traps and all these things. I went and I knew he was there. He was stalking me. I got my gun and went outside. I told my mom to give me some back up. I finally see the monkey. Then, I black out. I wake up and find that my mom has killed the gorilla. Shot it in the head and its heart was bleeding on the floor. She told me to get a garbage bag and help her clean the body up.
Weird Dreams.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Post 14/100 Friends
It is funny who God puts into your life. Especially friends and the people I choose to put into my adopted family. Friends really do come and go. Of course, they are always your friends and you care deeply about them. But our relationships evolve as we evolve. Sometimes you don't need some people in your life like you did in the past. Some friends go and move. Some friends get lovers or spouses. They don't have as much time for you. We feel neglected or used many times. Truthfully we use each other. When we are in a certain position or time in our life. We need different people. Some people we never even thought would be in our lives come in. Some people we thought would never leave us, have to leave us. I love my friends now. Some of my relationships now will change probably next year. That is just life. God puts people into our lives for some reason. But the reality is that we need to just love the time we spend with these people and not be disappointed if our relationships change.
Post 13/100 Dolphin Sex
This is how you know people are more weird than you.
Really???/disgusting, but I couldn't stop reading. Also very hilarious.
Really???/disgusting, but I couldn't stop reading. Also very hilarious.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Post 12/100 Sample Size
I was watching Moneyball yesterday and there was a line " The sample size is to small. We should be 7 games back by the allstar break." It got me wondering. Do I ever wait for the sample size to be bigger to make judgements? Its always awesome when the sample size does get bigger. You get to the "allstar break" and your like "I really like this person". "This person is not who I thought they were"
Most of the time we rush to judgement. We are human. But are we people who like to give the benefit of doubt? I think I am. But I do rush to judgement and am wrong many times. Probably most times.
Most of the time we rush to judgement. We are human. But are we people who like to give the benefit of doubt? I think I am. But I do rush to judgement and am wrong many times. Probably most times.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Post 11/100 Cars
I've never really was a big car guy. In the office today, we were talking about cars. Some guy was talking about his Porshe Cayman Colbolt only 217 were made that year. My first car was my baby.
1999 Toyota Camry. Blue. Beautiful. The front seat had a problem. It would collapse all of the sudden. It had a couple of dings in it also. It was a used so it had some cigerette burns and it wasn't the cleanest car. It was the car I drove around in Highschool and college. I always had stuff in the trunk. I was a commuter in college so I had to be prepared. Took many naps and even slept over night a couple of times in it. It was always reliable. It was my baby.
1999 Toyota Camry. Blue. Beautiful. The front seat had a problem. It would collapse all of the sudden. It had a couple of dings in it also. It was a used so it had some cigerette burns and it wasn't the cleanest car. It was the car I drove around in Highschool and college. I always had stuff in the trunk. I was a commuter in college so I had to be prepared. Took many naps and even slept over night a couple of times in it. It was always reliable. It was my baby.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Post 10/100 Smart-ass Phone
I hate the smart phones, but I love them too. It has many good things. But really isn't most of those good things really bad. I kinda hate that someone can reach me all the time. People who know me, know that I am not good with my phone. I don't really answer my phone. I make butt dials all the time. SIDE NOTE: I don't carry my phone in my back pocket. Why is it called a butt dial. Its really in my front pocket. Shouldn't it be called a crotch dial. Maybe a prick dial or cock dial. Sounds disgusting I am sorry. The point is I am really terrible with my phone.
I think the invention of the smart phone has really hindered our society. Yes, work might get done quicker. But then you are carrying work everywhere with you. It wears you down. You think about work constantly. It makes you stressed and stress leads to sickness and death. People got work done before smart phones.
Games are cool. Chatting is cool. Being able to check scores for sports and weather are cool. But we have become a society that is glued to our phones. If you hang out with people, somebody is gonna be on their phone. It has made out society into non-social people. Socially retarded I call it. I might not be PC but thats not me. Easy Access to anything mgiht make us easily more stupid to everything also. We need to know everything NOW. Instead of thinking about things we rush to judgements.
People don't know how to talk to each other now. People can't confront anyone face to face. Kids are bullying on twitter(how gay does that sound). I saw a bunch of kids huddled in front of an Ipad. They don't even talk to each other. They just look at one person playing.
What happened to boredom. Out of Boredom, creativity explodes. I remember coming up with games because we were bored.( Knee Football)
I believe this is also causing the collapse of Men, as in males, these days. Ill probably talk about that later. The wussification of America.
I can't even stay focused on one sentance of writing because this society has made me ADHD.
The phone is a great thing but also a shitty thing.
OK I gonna go get my Samsung Galaxy S 2 Now.
I think the invention of the smart phone has really hindered our society. Yes, work might get done quicker. But then you are carrying work everywhere with you. It wears you down. You think about work constantly. It makes you stressed and stress leads to sickness and death. People got work done before smart phones.
Games are cool. Chatting is cool. Being able to check scores for sports and weather are cool. But we have become a society that is glued to our phones. If you hang out with people, somebody is gonna be on their phone. It has made out society into non-social people. Socially retarded I call it. I might not be PC but thats not me. Easy Access to anything mgiht make us easily more stupid to everything also. We need to know everything NOW. Instead of thinking about things we rush to judgements.
People don't know how to talk to each other now. People can't confront anyone face to face. Kids are bullying on twitter(how gay does that sound). I saw a bunch of kids huddled in front of an Ipad. They don't even talk to each other. They just look at one person playing.
What happened to boredom. Out of Boredom, creativity explodes. I remember coming up with games because we were bored.( Knee Football)
I believe this is also causing the collapse of Men, as in males, these days. Ill probably talk about that later. The wussification of America.
I can't even stay focused on one sentance of writing because this society has made me ADHD.
The phone is a great thing but also a shitty thing.
OK I gonna go get my Samsung Galaxy S 2 Now.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Post 9/100 The Office
My office is pretty laid back. For the msot part, I like the people in my office. I would say we kinda all get a long. There is always drama though. I have been here for about a year. I think theres about 50 people in this office. I think about 10 or so people have hooked up. Always a recipe for disaster. I will be sharing about the stories in the next couple of weeks.
Story 1: I had this person, lets call her Kim, on my team. Kim was a very sweet woman. Probably upper 30s heavy set sweet voice. She did not really say too much in the office. I would talk to her every once in a while. She was a lesbian. Not that anyone cared and I divulge this information because it is part of the story. On my team there were about 5 people including the team leader. One team mate loves to gossip and talk, lets call him Bill. Nice guy but really not the best moral compass in the world.
One day after a long weekend, Bill comes up to me. He say"hey panda come here", which is quite normal because he likes to gossip. I get over there and says I need to hear this voice mail. I hear it and its Kim. She is obviously drunk. She is cursing up a storm. She left about 4 different voice mails all of her talking belligerently. She even threatens to mess him up and says she knows where he lives.
So Bill starts telling me the whole story. Kim gets kicked out of her girlfriends house because the girlfriend says that she is an alcoholic. She meets Bill at some bar. She tells him that she needs somewhere to stay at least for that day. He lets her come over. He goes to his room to sleep and says next day. he finds beer bottles all over the ground and table. He also finds her panties in his room later. Later when he was dropping Kim off, she was telling him that she would do sexual acts for him.
So Bill goes to HR and reports her. They send her to rehab and from then on she disappeared.
Story 1: I had this person, lets call her Kim, on my team. Kim was a very sweet woman. Probably upper 30s heavy set sweet voice. She did not really say too much in the office. I would talk to her every once in a while. She was a lesbian. Not that anyone cared and I divulge this information because it is part of the story. On my team there were about 5 people including the team leader. One team mate loves to gossip and talk, lets call him Bill. Nice guy but really not the best moral compass in the world.
One day after a long weekend, Bill comes up to me. He say"hey panda come here", which is quite normal because he likes to gossip. I get over there and says I need to hear this voice mail. I hear it and its Kim. She is obviously drunk. She is cursing up a storm. She left about 4 different voice mails all of her talking belligerently. She even threatens to mess him up and says she knows where he lives.
So Bill starts telling me the whole story. Kim gets kicked out of her girlfriends house because the girlfriend says that she is an alcoholic. She meets Bill at some bar. She tells him that she needs somewhere to stay at least for that day. He lets her come over. He goes to his room to sleep and says next day. he finds beer bottles all over the ground and table. He also finds her panties in his room later. Later when he was dropping Kim off, she was telling him that she would do sexual acts for him.
So Bill goes to HR and reports her. They send her to rehab and from then on she disappeared.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Post 8/100 Great Mustaches Ever!!!
Went to a wedding this weekend and saw some old family pictures of the bride. The father of the bride had this awesome mustache. I was wondering about the best mustaches ever.
I have always wanted a mustache. Like Tom Sellack (See Below)
Magnum PI

Rollie Fingers

Alex Trabek

Daniel Day-Lewis

Colornel Sanders

Jason Lee




Asian Man (May not be Asian)
I have always wanted a mustache. Like Tom Sellack (See Below)
Magnum PI
Rollie Fingers
Alex Trabek
Daniel Day-Lewis
Colornel Sanders
Jason Lee
Asian Man (May not be Asian)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Post 7/100 When is old too old?
Two years ago, I had this stupid thing. I shouldn't date a woman if they were more than 4 years older or more than 4 years younger. You know what? I was stupid and wrong. Of course, I don't think I can be a woman so much older than me. I think its all about life stage. What stage of our lives we are in? Why should I limit myself to a person in come age. Forget that.
Ok. I do have some limit. I think if she is more than 10 years. So she has to be younger than 40. I don't think thats out of bounds in any way. How young? I just want this girl to be working at least an year. A person that understands the real world. A girl who kinda hates her job or know what it feels like to be in that position. I just want someone that is able to understand me right now.
Favorite new artist right now is Kendrick Lamar from the west coast.
Love his flow and lyrics.
Ok. I do have some limit. I think if she is more than 10 years. So she has to be younger than 40. I don't think thats out of bounds in any way. How young? I just want this girl to be working at least an year. A person that understands the real world. A girl who kinda hates her job or know what it feels like to be in that position. I just want someone that is able to understand me right now.
Favorite new artist right now is Kendrick Lamar from the west coast.
Love his flow and lyrics.
Post 6/100 Hype
Hype. Our society is a hype driven society. The stock market does goes up or down because of hype. Sports teams are expected to do well because of hype. Movies are many times over hyped. In this facebook and twitter world, it seems like hype is everything.
Exit through the Gift Shop is a terrific movie about hype and how just many people are willing to buy into the hype of something. Many of us have become robots. We think this is cool or this is good because society tells us so. Our opinions are dying.
My Phillies lost yesterday. This team was suppose to win it all this year and they failed. Most things don't live up to the hype; dates, movies, events etc. The thing is when something does live up to the hype it is so special and awesome. Those are the moments in life that make life worth living.
Exit through the Gift Shop is a terrific movie about hype and how just many people are willing to buy into the hype of something. Many of us have become robots. We think this is cool or this is good because society tells us so. Our opinions are dying.
My Phillies lost yesterday. This team was suppose to win it all this year and they failed. Most things don't live up to the hype; dates, movies, events etc. The thing is when something does live up to the hype it is so special and awesome. Those are the moments in life that make life worth living.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Post 5/100 When work goes to ....
I walk into the office this morning and I find out from my manager that couple of my loans have gone to shit. There are all these problems that I don't really want to handle. I guess I don't really like confrontation. I'm not scared of it, but I rather not tell someone that the money they invested into their home is actually down the toliet.
I am a loan officer. I have been for about a year. The thing that I can tell you about this job is that it makes you want to drink. Actually, we have many people who were or currently are alcoholics. What do I do? Good question. I get people a loan they are qualified for depending on their income, debt and credit scores. There are many pitfalls to this job. An underwriter can kill your loan becasue they don't like something about it. We complain, but most of the time she is a bitch and will offer the same reasons. Appraisers tell us the value of a home. They can kill the loan becasue the hosue doe not have enough value. We can complain if the value comes in short, but like I said if they are jerks they don't have to consider anything. Clients can kill your loan becasue they are too slow ie giving you documents and not telling you pertainant information or they do dumb stuff like buy a new car, quit their job etc,
Then you also have to deal with rates. Rates are like the stock market they go up and down all the time. You have to time it right. Many people will just lie to a person and offer something that is not there. I don't like to do that. My favorite quote someone used was,"Hope is not an investment strategy." Everyone thinks they know all about it. They try to tell me stuff they read off the internet. I ask them what they do for a living. Doctor, Lawyer, baker, software engineer. I don't tell you how to do your job or even act like I know what is going on except for lawyer because I see a lot of Law and Order.
Well, I have to make this call now.
But today is Friday and after a few hours I don't have to worry about work until Monday.
I am a loan officer. I have been for about a year. The thing that I can tell you about this job is that it makes you want to drink. Actually, we have many people who were or currently are alcoholics. What do I do? Good question. I get people a loan they are qualified for depending on their income, debt and credit scores. There are many pitfalls to this job. An underwriter can kill your loan becasue they don't like something about it. We complain, but most of the time she is a bitch and will offer the same reasons. Appraisers tell us the value of a home. They can kill the loan becasue the hosue doe not have enough value. We can complain if the value comes in short, but like I said if they are jerks they don't have to consider anything. Clients can kill your loan becasue they are too slow ie giving you documents and not telling you pertainant information or they do dumb stuff like buy a new car, quit their job etc,
Then you also have to deal with rates. Rates are like the stock market they go up and down all the time. You have to time it right. Many people will just lie to a person and offer something that is not there. I don't like to do that. My favorite quote someone used was,"Hope is not an investment strategy." Everyone thinks they know all about it. They try to tell me stuff they read off the internet. I ask them what they do for a living. Doctor, Lawyer, baker, software engineer. I don't tell you how to do your job or even act like I know what is going on except for lawyer because I see a lot of Law and Order.
Well, I have to make this call now.
But today is Friday and after a few hours I don't have to worry about work until Monday.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Post 4/100 Cultural Icons
I'm sure everyone knows that Steve Jobs died yesterday. Death of a Cultural icon. Yes, he was a genius but did he personally touch my life? No.
I don't understand why we get so riled up for the passing of these icons. I just think it is kind of childish. I love Amy Winehouse's music. It was sad to see her pass, but will I make a memorial for her. No.
All of those things seem very childish to me. I'm probably wrong and maybe I don't have a heart blah blah blah.
People did this person really affect my life. No. Its cool that computers are around, but I'm sure if he didn't do it somebody would have.
We make these people into our idols and they are just the same as all of us. It is sad that people die, but learn from them or appreciate what they have made and move on.
I don't understand why we get so riled up for the passing of these icons. I just think it is kind of childish. I love Amy Winehouse's music. It was sad to see her pass, but will I make a memorial for her. No.
All of those things seem very childish to me. I'm probably wrong and maybe I don't have a heart blah blah blah.
People did this person really affect my life. No. Its cool that computers are around, but I'm sure if he didn't do it somebody would have.
We make these people into our idols and they are just the same as all of us. It is sad that people die, but learn from them or appreciate what they have made and move on.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Post 3/100 Unexpected Heroes
The Phillies are in the playoffs. Tied at 0-0 in the bottom of the 7th. The manager from the other team intentionally walks a man to make sure Ben Francisco is going to bat. Who is Ben Franciso? Well, he is a journey man player. He has been with several teams. He hasn't hit a home run in 4 1/2 months. Play and simple he is not that good. Decent player but not the person you dream of being in that spot. With 2 people on base, he hits a 3 run game winning home run. One of the most unlikely heroes. As Phillies' fans will remember Matt Stairs also a journey man hit a home run two years ago to win the game.
I love sports because it reflects life in many ways. Unlikely heroes appear in our lives as well. People who are in your lives for an instant but leave a deep impression in your lives. We live our lives and many times we think that we do not do anything major because we don't see the lasting affects. We choose not to talk to this man or do something for somebody, when maybe our words make an huge impression on them.
I guess for me. My unlikely hero was this man in the neighborhood. My mom had a store in a bad neighborhood. North Philly in the Huntington park area. I was about 6 years old. Sitting at the counter and the lunch rush had come and gone. A kid about 16-18 come in . I look at him. He was huge. Tall, lean and lanky. Nobody was around. I think my mom was in the back cleaning up. He goes over the counter and steals a box of 3 Musketeer bars and Carton of Newports. He runs out. About 20 minutes later, I see a man coming into our store. A grizzly, old black man comes in. He is just holding a bunch of candy bars and a gun in his waist.Like a Ghetto Cowboy.
I guess that was the moment I had faith in people. I never really lost that faith. Sure, I'm cynical alot.But every time I think about that moment it makes me think of the kindness of people. Maybe God put them there to watch over you. I believe people will rally around others and help, but heroes are not just people who rescue you.
They maybe that person who gives you a word of encouragement, a conversation to spark your imagination, a person who keeps your sanity intact or a mentor.
Unlikely heroes come out of every place, we just have to recognize when they are there.
I love sports because it reflects life in many ways. Unlikely heroes appear in our lives as well. People who are in your lives for an instant but leave a deep impression in your lives. We live our lives and many times we think that we do not do anything major because we don't see the lasting affects. We choose not to talk to this man or do something for somebody, when maybe our words make an huge impression on them.
I guess for me. My unlikely hero was this man in the neighborhood. My mom had a store in a bad neighborhood. North Philly in the Huntington park area. I was about 6 years old. Sitting at the counter and the lunch rush had come and gone. A kid about 16-18 come in . I look at him. He was huge. Tall, lean and lanky. Nobody was around. I think my mom was in the back cleaning up. He goes over the counter and steals a box of 3 Musketeer bars and Carton of Newports. He runs out. About 20 minutes later, I see a man coming into our store. A grizzly, old black man comes in. He is just holding a bunch of candy bars and a gun in his waist.Like a Ghetto Cowboy.
I guess that was the moment I had faith in people. I never really lost that faith. Sure, I'm cynical alot.But every time I think about that moment it makes me think of the kindness of people. Maybe God put them there to watch over you. I believe people will rally around others and help, but heroes are not just people who rescue you.
They maybe that person who gives you a word of encouragement, a conversation to spark your imagination, a person who keeps your sanity intact or a mentor.
Unlikely heroes come out of every place, we just have to recognize when they are there.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Post 2/100: Interracial dating
Interracial dating. I'm for it. I really am. I love a variety of women. But being an Asian man, it seems like Asian women are dating more outside the race than Asian men. It kinda screws up the ratios.
In my family, its been quite the opposite. My three older cousins who grew up in America have married outside the Korean race. Two of the women they married were white. I feel like so many Asian women are dating outside of the race compared to the Asian Men. When I see an Asian guy dating a non Asian, I kinda feel proud. If they walk by me, I usually give them a look of approval. Well its more like a nod. They usually understand and nod back. Funny how that whole system works as well.
My Favorite Interracial couples:
Bruce Lee/ Linda Lee
Robin Thicke/Paula Patton
Seal/ Heidi Klum
Nicolas Cage/ Alice Kim
Halle Berry/ Whoever she is with at that time
In my family, its been quite the opposite. My three older cousins who grew up in America have married outside the Korean race. Two of the women they married were white. I feel like so many Asian women are dating outside of the race compared to the Asian Men. When I see an Asian guy dating a non Asian, I kinda feel proud. If they walk by me, I usually give them a look of approval. Well its more like a nod. They usually understand and nod back. Funny how that whole system works as well.
My Favorite Interracial couples:
Bruce Lee/ Linda Lee
Robin Thicke/Paula Patton
Seal/ Heidi Klum
Nicolas Cage/ Alice Kim
Halle Berry/ Whoever she is with at that time
Monday, October 3, 2011
Post 1/100:Things that Bother me Pt 2
I thought I would begin this process with something light hearted. I'm excited to begin this 100 days of blogging.
I get bothered by many things. I'm a little Woody Allen in those terms.
Things that bother me:
When I'm in the bathroom and take a 2, I hear another person leaving the bathroom without the water running. I know someone hasn't washed their hands. It kinda freaks me out the whole day.
Your eating something in a bag or container and the person who eats it before you leaves like the tiniest portion still there or jsut leaves the box with nothing in it.
i go into my work's kitchen/breakroom area and they don't shut the microwave oven door. Come on Son!!! Just shut it. It takes minimal effort.
People who have their bluetooth thing in their ear, but they still talk putting the reciever to their other ear.
I have a boss and he gets close to my ear to say things. It feels weird like hes gonna kiss my ear lob. He always tells me to lower my voice, when im not really talking about anything.
Person with the loud ringtone and isn't there to pick up the phone.I feel like grabbing their phone and throwing in the ocean.
Person who looks at their bright ass phone in the movie theather. "Your blinding me with your light"
People who get angry at other people because of twitter/facebook. #Imsobitter
Gay people who are overly gay.
My slow internet!!
I get bothered by many things. I'm a little Woody Allen in those terms.
Things that bother me:
When I'm in the bathroom and take a 2, I hear another person leaving the bathroom without the water running. I know someone hasn't washed their hands. It kinda freaks me out the whole day.
Your eating something in a bag or container and the person who eats it before you leaves like the tiniest portion still there or jsut leaves the box with nothing in it.
i go into my work's kitchen/breakroom area and they don't shut the microwave oven door. Come on Son!!! Just shut it. It takes minimal effort.
People who have their bluetooth thing in their ear, but they still talk putting the reciever to their other ear.
I have a boss and he gets close to my ear to say things. It feels weird like hes gonna kiss my ear lob. He always tells me to lower my voice, when im not really talking about anything.
Person with the loud ringtone and isn't there to pick up the phone.I feel like grabbing their phone and throwing in the ocean.
Person who looks at their bright ass phone in the movie theather. "Your blinding me with your light"
People who get angry at other people because of twitter/facebook. #Imsobitter
Gay people who are overly gay.
My slow internet!!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
100 Posts in a 100 days!
I haven't posted in a while, but I am determined to do this. A friend of mine has chosen to do 92 things in 92 days. He has inspired me to blog more.
I will probably move to Wordpress during this 100 day thing.
It starts tomorrow!!! Ajja Ajja!!
I will probably move to Wordpress during this 100 day thing.
It starts tomorrow!!! Ajja Ajja!!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Men's Survey: Dating takes a survey every year. Its called the Great Male Survey. It already assumes that men taking this survey are great but thats besides the point. Look at the survey for yourself. CLICK HERE.
Im going to talk about the dating section today. The other stuff next time.
I think that overall this makes the point that men are mostly pretty decent. Sure your gonna look at the question 8:
Would you dump your girlfriend if she became fat? 47% said yes, but 53% said no. Also, it says girlfriend not wife.
Yeah it sounds shallow, but if this girl is not your wife its kinda understandable.
HOW MANY DATES SHOULD A MAN PAY FOR? 65% said they should pay for the majority
I agree. What kind of douche is not gonna pay. If you don't have enough money, dont take a girl out. Like me.
The other choice was to have sex. Im surprised that it is less. Maybe thats why I'm single.
HOW SATISFIED ARE YOU WITH YOUR SEX LIFE? Majority of me are not completey satisfied with their sex lives
I think if our society was satisifed, then there would be less bad stuff happening. Be like, "Umm I'm good right now, maybe I shouldn't get locked up"
WOULD YOU EVER DATE SOMEONE IN YOUR OFFICE? 45% say its a terrible idea (Majority)
I would definitely date someone. It might lead to some weirdness, but thats the price of love. Damn sounds so cheesey.
A majority of men 48% said that they would not break up with their girlfriend even though she is not wife material.
I strongly disagree. I feel that many men wind up in this trap. They get comfortable with the girl and finally have to settle down so they settle with her. No, if you dont think shes the one drop her plan and simple.
Im going to talk about the dating section today. The other stuff next time.
I think that overall this makes the point that men are mostly pretty decent. Sure your gonna look at the question 8:
Would you dump your girlfriend if she became fat? 47% said yes, but 53% said no. Also, it says girlfriend not wife.
Yeah it sounds shallow, but if this girl is not your wife its kinda understandable.
HOW MANY DATES SHOULD A MAN PAY FOR? 65% said they should pay for the majority
I agree. What kind of douche is not gonna pay. If you don't have enough money, dont take a girl out. Like me.
The other choice was to have sex. Im surprised that it is less. Maybe thats why I'm single.
HOW SATISFIED ARE YOU WITH YOUR SEX LIFE? Majority of me are not completey satisfied with their sex lives
I think if our society was satisifed, then there would be less bad stuff happening. Be like, "Umm I'm good right now, maybe I shouldn't get locked up"
WOULD YOU EVER DATE SOMEONE IN YOUR OFFICE? 45% say its a terrible idea (Majority)
I would definitely date someone. It might lead to some weirdness, but thats the price of love. Damn sounds so cheesey.
A majority of men 48% said that they would not break up with their girlfriend even though she is not wife material.
I strongly disagree. I feel that many men wind up in this trap. They get comfortable with the girl and finally have to settle down so they settle with her. No, if you dont think shes the one drop her plan and simple.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Rock and a Hard Place
Why do we put ourselves in bad situations? Situations that we know that we will not come out better. Yet, it seems like we don't try to get out. Maybe its like the Godfather, "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."
I feel like I do that to myself many times. I am probably the man with the least amount of drama, but I am self destructive. I do things that I know will harm, but choose to do them. I wonder if I am afraid of success sometimes. Am I just lazy?
I feel like I do that to myself many times. I am probably the man with the least amount of drama, but I am self destructive. I do things that I know will harm, but choose to do them. I wonder if I am afraid of success sometimes. Am I just lazy?
Monday, August 15, 2011
RiRa in Irish means fighting spirit or thats what I have been told. Rira is also a bar/ restaurant. A couple of my friends say it in a chinese/asian accent sounds more fun. Yeah were kinda stupid. The point is we were there the other day and discussed a couple of interesting topics.
Whats the Craic!!- Its a term oh saying hello. Hows life going. A greeting. I was excited to here the phrase adn kept saying it to people.
The "Break"- So its the separtion between the butt and thigh. Asian women don't really have the break. Black people love the break, but they also love asian women. Kinda weird. Got to say. I love the break.
Bottom Boob. So at Rira they had a costume contest. They called it Redneck Hoedown. My friend was wearing a shirt that had cut off sleeves. He was talking to these two girls. He said he was revealing "side boob". He was talking to some girl and said that she was revealing a lot of "top boob" normal cleavage. After a while I started talking to her, she mentioned the "top boob". I told her that I have a lot of reverence towards the "top boob", but I love the "bottom boob". Now you might ask why??? Well, "bottom boob" is always pretty much hidden. So when it does come out. Its like a awesome surprise. Like getting a present when its not your birthday. "Bottom Boob" is so rare that makes it all the more precious. Spotting "bottom boob" is like seeing a shooting star. You can't help but be mezmerized by it.
Ok so this post was pretty stupid. I will load pictures for examples, when I am not at work.
Whats the Craic!!- Its a term oh saying hello. Hows life going. A greeting. I was excited to here the phrase adn kept saying it to people.
The "Break"- So its the separtion between the butt and thigh. Asian women don't really have the break. Black people love the break, but they also love asian women. Kinda weird. Got to say. I love the break.
Bottom Boob. So at Rira they had a costume contest. They called it Redneck Hoedown. My friend was wearing a shirt that had cut off sleeves. He was talking to these two girls. He said he was revealing "side boob". He was talking to some girl and said that she was revealing a lot of "top boob" normal cleavage. After a while I started talking to her, she mentioned the "top boob". I told her that I have a lot of reverence towards the "top boob", but I love the "bottom boob". Now you might ask why??? Well, "bottom boob" is always pretty much hidden. So when it does come out. Its like a awesome surprise. Like getting a present when its not your birthday. "Bottom Boob" is so rare that makes it all the more precious. Spotting "bottom boob" is like seeing a shooting star. You can't help but be mezmerized by it.
Ok so this post was pretty stupid. I will load pictures for examples, when I am not at work.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
What I've learned 26
So it was my birthday last week. I've stated in the past that life is wasted if you don't learn anything. Ive learned little things. I learned how to make risotto. I learned some words. Ive learned some things about the world. The two things that stick out to me the most:
Expectations- I would get mad at people if they did not fulfill my expectations. It is kinda weird if you think about it. Sometimes I think that people should know the social norms. Thinking about that today, I shouldn't really get mad at those things. We all come from different backgrounds. It is pretty unreasonable for me to think that one person should act a way I think they should act. Thats a ME problem for sure. I should just take people as they.
Nothing is impossible with God: I always knew this thing. I always thought about this. I don't think I really believed it though. Through out this year God has been proving that to me over and over again. Ill give you an example. My grandmother has been suffering from a bladder problem for at least six years. She had cancer in her utereus years ago. In Korea, I dont think they had the best cancer treatment back in the day. So basically she would have her bladder not empty out fully. She had to put a catherter in all the time. Carry it like a hand bag. Someone prayed ove her and she was healed. Ive never seen something like this. You hear of these kind of things but you never really see these things. She has been healed for about 2 months now. Amazing
Hopefully I will learn much more and be molded into a better person in my 27th year.
Expectations- I would get mad at people if they did not fulfill my expectations. It is kinda weird if you think about it. Sometimes I think that people should know the social norms. Thinking about that today, I shouldn't really get mad at those things. We all come from different backgrounds. It is pretty unreasonable for me to think that one person should act a way I think they should act. Thats a ME problem for sure. I should just take people as they.
Nothing is impossible with God: I always knew this thing. I always thought about this. I don't think I really believed it though. Through out this year God has been proving that to me over and over again. Ill give you an example. My grandmother has been suffering from a bladder problem for at least six years. She had cancer in her utereus years ago. In Korea, I dont think they had the best cancer treatment back in the day. So basically she would have her bladder not empty out fully. She had to put a catherter in all the time. Carry it like a hand bag. Someone prayed ove her and she was healed. Ive never seen something like this. You hear of these kind of things but you never really see these things. She has been healed for about 2 months now. Amazing
Hopefully I will learn much more and be molded into a better person in my 27th year.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Things to do
Well, Im about to get a year older. I kind of question if I got wiser at all. I wonder if I have acheived anything. So time to make a new list of things to do. Side note: What is it with Guys and Lists? I love lists. just give a top ten list of anything and I would probably want to see what it is.
Salsa- Yes Salsa! Does it sound gay? Maybe? But I would like to be able to dance. Plus I got a free Salsa app from the amazon App Store. Maybe it will help with my golf and baseball game. I will have more flexible hips and faster feet. I might also get to meet some hot women. Latinas.....
DJing- I always wanted to DJ. Even at my Catholic School 6th grade dances, I always thought the DJ was awesome. Be able to control the mood of the people. I love music. Im not real creative or talented enough to create music, but maybe I can blended and move the crowd. My goal is to do someones wedding this year. Get everyone crunkin and bumpin. I would love to just blended old school songs with new beats and vica versa.
Guitar- everyone should know an instrument. I learned piano, but sucked. I only learned like the basic basics. I think I can learn a bunch of praise songs.
Tunisia- I have decided to go to Tunisia for missions. I've never gone to missions. I think short term missions can help me and I can help others. My uncle is going to live there for about 2 years. he asked me and I said yeah sure. Lets do it. Pretty excited. 2012 is the year of tunisia. They just had a coup, so I think God is preparing the place for change.
Salsa- Yes Salsa! Does it sound gay? Maybe? But I would like to be able to dance. Plus I got a free Salsa app from the amazon App Store. Maybe it will help with my golf and baseball game. I will have more flexible hips and faster feet. I might also get to meet some hot women. Latinas.....
DJing- I always wanted to DJ. Even at my Catholic School 6th grade dances, I always thought the DJ was awesome. Be able to control the mood of the people. I love music. Im not real creative or talented enough to create music, but maybe I can blended and move the crowd. My goal is to do someones wedding this year. Get everyone crunkin and bumpin. I would love to just blended old school songs with new beats and vica versa.
Guitar- everyone should know an instrument. I learned piano, but sucked. I only learned like the basic basics. I think I can learn a bunch of praise songs.
Tunisia- I have decided to go to Tunisia for missions. I've never gone to missions. I think short term missions can help me and I can help others. My uncle is going to live there for about 2 years. he asked me and I said yeah sure. Lets do it. Pretty excited. 2012 is the year of tunisia. They just had a coup, so I think God is preparing the place for change.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Dos Equis
I was driving in the morning and I heard the Dos Equis commercial. I always love those says. My favorites:
Every time he goes for a swim. Dolphins appear.
He once had an akward moment, just to see how it feels
He’s a lover… Not a fighter, but he’s also a fighter, so Don’t get any ideas.
He divorced twice as many time as he has been married. and the judge gave him everything in each case
the phrase, making love was coined by the first woman lucky enough to sleep with him.
he is fashionably late even when he arrives an hour early
He once thought he was wrong, but he wasn't.
When he says its not you its me. It is really you.
I am trying to think of some saying that I can come up with on my own.....
Santa leaves him cookies during Christmas time.
He kills two birds with one stone
I think those two were horrible. I will think of more.
Every time he goes for a swim. Dolphins appear.
He once had an akward moment, just to see how it feels
He’s a lover… Not a fighter, but he’s also a fighter, so Don’t get any ideas.
He divorced twice as many time as he has been married. and the judge gave him everything in each case
the phrase, making love was coined by the first woman lucky enough to sleep with him.
he is fashionably late even when he arrives an hour early
He once thought he was wrong, but he wasn't.
When he says its not you its me. It is really you.
I am trying to think of some saying that I can come up with on my own.....
Santa leaves him cookies during Christmas time.
He kills two birds with one stone
I think those two were horrible. I will think of more.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Love Songs
For some reason, I woke up and I've had 80-90's love songs just playing in my head. Maybe Im in the mood for some loving.....sounds mad creepy.
Five Love Songs in my mind right now:
5. Make You feel My love- Bob Dylan/ Adele
4. These Are the Times Dru Hill(Prom Song)
3. I Just Called To Say I Love You- Stevie Wonder
2. Everytime I close My Eyes- BabyFace
1. Here and Now- Luther Vandross
Five Love Songs in my mind right now:
5. Make You feel My love- Bob Dylan/ Adele
4. These Are the Times Dru Hill(Prom Song)
3. I Just Called To Say I Love You- Stevie Wonder
2. Everytime I close My Eyes- BabyFace
1. Here and Now- Luther Vandross
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Things that bother me today
Email Signatures: dont keep them so long. I dont want all these phone numbers from you. I dont care if your part of some organization. I just want to know if you can play basketball. I hate some of these quotes people put on there. Just tell me what you want.
Super Attractive Girl that Knows she is Super Attractive: Yes I like to look at you. But in ten years your gonna look like crap and your gonna still be boring. But yes I still like looking at you now.
New Chip bags: I know you give me a tear here label. But I like opening chips in a certain way. Don't tell me how to open my chips.
Lebron James: You have "Chosen One" tatted on your back and "Witness" on your calf. You had 2 pts in the 4th quarter. I witnessed that you were chosen to suck.
Happy people when you are not happy: Misery loves company and hates everyone else
Rookie Blue: I will not watch this show. ABC stop showing these promos while I am watching basketball.
Shawn Marion's Hair: UGLY
Sexting: Why are you surprised when people find it??
Texting: I am so bad at it.
Twizzlers: your freaking addictive.
Super Attractive Girl that Knows she is Super Attractive: Yes I like to look at you. But in ten years your gonna look like crap and your gonna still be boring. But yes I still like looking at you now.
New Chip bags: I know you give me a tear here label. But I like opening chips in a certain way. Don't tell me how to open my chips.
Lebron James: You have "Chosen One" tatted on your back and "Witness" on your calf. You had 2 pts in the 4th quarter. I witnessed that you were chosen to suck.
Happy people when you are not happy: Misery loves company and hates everyone else
Rookie Blue: I will not watch this show. ABC stop showing these promos while I am watching basketball.
Shawn Marion's Hair: UGLY
Sexting: Why are you surprised when people find it??
Texting: I am so bad at it.
Twizzlers: your freaking addictive.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Dan's Disease
I went on a trip and we started to discuss things that were wrong with us. Someone said that I love to make fun of people. They said that it was my disease. You know what. They are right.
Went to a club the other day and I struck up a conversation with a bunch of people because I was making fun of the guy dancing next to us. Nothing to harsh, I was just saying that he was white and dancing with such fervor and passion. The guy was really feeling himself while doing the Dougie.
I think I have a problem. The question is why do I make fun of people? Did I have a bad childhood, or do I not have enough confidence in myself? maybe yes to all of those things. I think I just like doing it. I have fun doing it. Even it is just fun with myself. I could be walking down the street and make a comment to myself and laugh about a guy with an ugly hat or a funny walk or just some stupid thought I have.
Im sure people make fun of me also. It just comes with the territory. You have to take as much as you can give.
Outcome: I'm probably a jerk and a hater, but at least people know where I stand.
Went to a club the other day and I struck up a conversation with a bunch of people because I was making fun of the guy dancing next to us. Nothing to harsh, I was just saying that he was white and dancing with such fervor and passion. The guy was really feeling himself while doing the Dougie.
I think I have a problem. The question is why do I make fun of people? Did I have a bad childhood, or do I not have enough confidence in myself? maybe yes to all of those things. I think I just like doing it. I have fun doing it. Even it is just fun with myself. I could be walking down the street and make a comment to myself and laugh about a guy with an ugly hat or a funny walk or just some stupid thought I have.
Im sure people make fun of me also. It just comes with the territory. You have to take as much as you can give.
Outcome: I'm probably a jerk and a hater, but at least people know where I stand.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Couple Things
Damn hair is expensive!! This black girl in my office just got some new hair. It cost 600 dollars just for the hair. 120 to put the hair in damn.
Speaking of hair, the girl in my office (she's white) just got cornrows. Not a good look girl.
A guy finally admitted shooting Tupac out side of a studio that started the whole East Coast/ West Coast thing.
I really want to go the Rock The Bells Concert.
It was raining hard last. I had to run to my car. I parked the car in the shade mad far when it was sunny earlier in the day. I ran to my car and my socks got wet. Nothing worst than wet socks. I rather get punched in the stomache than have wet socks. Your feet are all wet while your body is dry and the dampness stays. Sucks.
The Nexus 4G phone is going to come out later this year. It has me drooling.
I love stupid movies. I love quoting stupid movies with other people who love stupid movies.
I hate how they are remaking all of these old movies or TV shows that should not be remade ie Bewitched, Green Hornet, Total Recall, Predator.....
Favorite movies of the summer so far....Bridesmaids, Super 8 and then X-men. Can't wait for Captain America.
The guy in the cubicle nexts to me farts pretty loudily. He doesn't care.
Shane's Rib Shack's smoked wings are Bomb!!
Dumbfoundead- K Town's finest is a beast
My uncle's new song
HAHAHA..not smooth
New Nasty-NAS
Speaking of hair, the girl in my office (she's white) just got cornrows. Not a good look girl.
A guy finally admitted shooting Tupac out side of a studio that started the whole East Coast/ West Coast thing.
I really want to go the Rock The Bells Concert.
It was raining hard last. I had to run to my car. I parked the car in the shade mad far when it was sunny earlier in the day. I ran to my car and my socks got wet. Nothing worst than wet socks. I rather get punched in the stomache than have wet socks. Your feet are all wet while your body is dry and the dampness stays. Sucks.
The Nexus 4G phone is going to come out later this year. It has me drooling.
I love stupid movies. I love quoting stupid movies with other people who love stupid movies.
I hate how they are remaking all of these old movies or TV shows that should not be remade ie Bewitched, Green Hornet, Total Recall, Predator.....
Favorite movies of the summer so far....Bridesmaids, Super 8 and then X-men. Can't wait for Captain America.
The guy in the cubicle nexts to me farts pretty loudily. He doesn't care.
Shane's Rib Shack's smoked wings are Bomb!!
Dumbfoundead- K Town's finest is a beast
My uncle's new song
HAHAHA..not smooth
New Nasty-NAS
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Desiring God
This morning, I woke up early, 650. I slept at 1:50. I am a person who is not a early riser. I wake up at 8 every morning. But this morning is a different morning. I woke up and hungered for God in the literal sense. I wasn't hungry for food or anything, but I wanted God. I desired God. My heart ached for Jesus.
I remembered that my church has a prayer meeting on Saturday mornings. So, I get into the car and drive on over there. I start driving and the emotion of just pain and sorrow come all over me. I feel a wave of God's love just covering me. Blanketing me from I guess the worries of this world.
I had a terribly bad week this week. Work has been terrible and I pretty much felt useless this week. I felt like maybe God was punishing me or abandoned me.
Prayer meeting was great. It wasn't great because the leader was awesome or there were a lot people there (3 of us). I felt God in my heart. I felt this passion and desire I haven't felt in a long time. I felt God. At first, I wondered if I was going to die today. Is God preparing me to come home? Maybe he is, but I feel God comforting and motivating me to live, to love as he loves. I pray that God will continue to give me this passion and this desire. I pray that I may glorify God in my words and actions.
I read this passage this morning and I think it kinda summarizes what I have been trying to say. This is how I felt:
Psalm 92
[1] It is good to give thanks to the LORD,
to sing praises to your name, O Most High;
[2] to declare your steadfast love in the morning,
and your faithfulness by night,
[3] to the music of the lute and the harp,
to the melody of the lyre.
[4] For you, O LORD, have made me glad by your work;
at the works of your hands I sing for joy.
I remembered that my church has a prayer meeting on Saturday mornings. So, I get into the car and drive on over there. I start driving and the emotion of just pain and sorrow come all over me. I feel a wave of God's love just covering me. Blanketing me from I guess the worries of this world.
I had a terribly bad week this week. Work has been terrible and I pretty much felt useless this week. I felt like maybe God was punishing me or abandoned me.
Prayer meeting was great. It wasn't great because the leader was awesome or there were a lot people there (3 of us). I felt God in my heart. I felt this passion and desire I haven't felt in a long time. I felt God. At first, I wondered if I was going to die today. Is God preparing me to come home? Maybe he is, but I feel God comforting and motivating me to live, to love as he loves. I pray that God will continue to give me this passion and this desire. I pray that I may glorify God in my words and actions.
I read this passage this morning and I think it kinda summarizes what I have been trying to say. This is how I felt:
Psalm 92
[1] It is good to give thanks to the LORD,
to sing praises to your name, O Most High;
[2] to declare your steadfast love in the morning,
and your faithfulness by night,
[3] to the music of the lute and the harp,
to the melody of the lyre.
[4] For you, O LORD, have made me glad by your work;
at the works of your hands I sing for joy.
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Morning Glory
I was on my way to work and tried to pull into the turning lane. I pulled next to a biker, but did not have enough room to get into the turning lane. I had my window down. The biker had spikes on his helmet and a mean handlebar mustache. He looks at me and starts to curse me out. Asking me, what the F I was doing. I looked at him and smiled. It must have set the guy off because he just started yelling at me till his face turned red. I had to laugh. He got even angrier and cursed me out until the light turned green. I laughed at him and made my turn.
I had to wonder what was wrong with this guy. Why are you so angry? Did your mom not hug you growing up? Are you in a crappy marriage? Don't be so angry dude. I found it funny that he was so angry. I dont know why, but I also felt that life is too short to yell at this idiot. Do you really want to start off the day angry? God is too good for us to waste our lives being angry at trivial things.
Heard a good joke today:
How much cocaine did Charlie Sheen do?
Enough to kill Two and a Half Men.
I had to wonder what was wrong with this guy. Why are you so angry? Did your mom not hug you growing up? Are you in a crappy marriage? Don't be so angry dude. I found it funny that he was so angry. I dont know why, but I also felt that life is too short to yell at this idiot. Do you really want to start off the day angry? God is too good for us to waste our lives being angry at trivial things.
Heard a good joke today:
How much cocaine did Charlie Sheen do?
Enough to kill Two and a Half Men.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Sports Part 2
The Game 2 of Dallas v Miami that just ended is why I love sports. I know a couple days ago I was thinking about never watching again, but I am a fickle and weak person.
So watching the game with a bunch of guys and Dallas was down by 15 points. Some people were like the game is over. I said well Dallas came back from this deficit a couple of weeks ago. They shrugged it off. Another guy comes into the house. Dallas starts making a come back. In 1 minute, the game is a 11 point game. I was still hoping that they would come back. Then boom!!! Dallas is within a couple of points. I can't sit down. They tie the game. We are yelling and high fiving. Dallas hits a three and takes the lead. Miami ties the game. We are all depressed. 24 seconds left and Dallas has the ball. We all know who is gonna take the last shot. The star of the team, Dirk Nowitzki. He takes the ball and drives and scores with his injured hand. Excitement enters the place. I am jumping like a little boy on Christmas morning.
The reasons I love sports were all in that game.
1) Drama: I love drama. I never have drama in my life so I like other peoples drama. Sounds jacked up.
2) unpredictability
3) unity: sports brings people together and lets us celebrate together.
4)excitement: I mean how many times in daily life are we excited and jumping up and down screaming.
5) hope: I think this is the biggest thing. It allows me to have hope in other people as well.
6) food: we had damn good food. Korean tacos.
7) superstitions: wearing the same underwear or clothes. Since that one guy entered the room Dallas satarted winning. Even though that guy has nothing to do with the game.
8) The moments in time where your like I remember this.
9) Clutch: the pressured filled moments in life make us heros or humps. It shows what is in our stomach and who we are.
10) telling people about or sharing with people about the game or the sport
So watching the game with a bunch of guys and Dallas was down by 15 points. Some people were like the game is over. I said well Dallas came back from this deficit a couple of weeks ago. They shrugged it off. Another guy comes into the house. Dallas starts making a come back. In 1 minute, the game is a 11 point game. I was still hoping that they would come back. Then boom!!! Dallas is within a couple of points. I can't sit down. They tie the game. We are yelling and high fiving. Dallas hits a three and takes the lead. Miami ties the game. We are all depressed. 24 seconds left and Dallas has the ball. We all know who is gonna take the last shot. The star of the team, Dirk Nowitzki. He takes the ball and drives and scores with his injured hand. Excitement enters the place. I am jumping like a little boy on Christmas morning.
The reasons I love sports were all in that game.
1) Drama: I love drama. I never have drama in my life so I like other peoples drama. Sounds jacked up.
2) unpredictability
3) unity: sports brings people together and lets us celebrate together.
4)excitement: I mean how many times in daily life are we excited and jumping up and down screaming.
5) hope: I think this is the biggest thing. It allows me to have hope in other people as well.
6) food: we had damn good food. Korean tacos.
7) superstitions: wearing the same underwear or clothes. Since that one guy entered the room Dallas satarted winning. Even though that guy has nothing to do with the game.
8) The moments in time where your like I remember this.
9) Clutch: the pressured filled moments in life make us heros or humps. It shows what is in our stomach and who we are.
10) telling people about or sharing with people about the game or the sport
Last night I was shopping at a grocery store. I was just go around in the aisles and had to go number 2 in the worst way. So I dropped my basket and tried to find the nearest bathroom. I made it on time, but reminded me of a moment that I didn't. I ate some bad food and it hit me in the worst way. It felt like villages were being pillaged and the inhabitants had to run away.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
I was watching basketball yesterday and was embarassed for the sport. I was embarassed for us as a nation.
I love basketball. I love love love basketball. But yesterday got me so angry. The refs call foul on everything. I don't think its the refs fault at all, because I am sure the league offices tell them to call the games like that. What has sports become? In the NFL, you cant hit the QB anymore. You get fined for everything.In baseball, a catcher Buster Posey broke his leg blocking the plate. His agent wanted the rules to change so you have no contact. Has every sport become like soccer?
We are Americans. We are suppose to be tough. America is Clint Eastwood, the Marboro Man, Michael Jordan, Run DMC, James Dean etc. Tough MotherF***ers. Instead we have become a nation of Justin Biebers, and Zac Effrons. A bunch of sensitive bitches.
So please athletes, stop crying if you didnt get a call by the ref. Because sports is looking more and more gay by the day.
Update* A hockey player bit another player. He did not get suspended or fined. Hockey players and the NHL are still hardcore.
I love basketball. I love love love basketball. But yesterday got me so angry. The refs call foul on everything. I don't think its the refs fault at all, because I am sure the league offices tell them to call the games like that. What has sports become? In the NFL, you cant hit the QB anymore. You get fined for everything.In baseball, a catcher Buster Posey broke his leg blocking the plate. His agent wanted the rules to change so you have no contact. Has every sport become like soccer?
We are Americans. We are suppose to be tough. America is Clint Eastwood, the Marboro Man, Michael Jordan, Run DMC, James Dean etc. Tough MotherF***ers. Instead we have become a nation of Justin Biebers, and Zac Effrons. A bunch of sensitive bitches.
So please athletes, stop crying if you didnt get a call by the ref. Because sports is looking more and more gay by the day.
Update* A hockey player bit another player. He did not get suspended or fined. Hockey players and the NHL are still hardcore.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Livin with Women
Married men were found to live, on average, 10 years longer than non-married men.
Over the weekend, I went on a trip with 5 women. It was a ratio of 5:2. It was just a great reminder of the greatness of living with women. Growing up I lived with my mom and my grandmom. I was the only man in the house. This weekend just brought up some great memories.
1 Breakfast: My fondest moments with my family were my family breakfasts. It was great having breakfast prepared and ready. I appreciate the women doing that this weekend.
2 Being welcomed: It was awesome to come home and people were actually happy or enthusiastic that you came home. It felt like my house with my family.
3 Being taken cared for: It was awesome how the women took care of me. I guess their nuturing instincts came out. I got to tell you that it was great. Hopefully, I don't sound like a child. But it is a great feeling when someone takes care of you and supports you.
4 Being Needed: It felt good to be needed. The smallest things make you feel like you are useful ie opening a jar or get a glass on the shelf.
5 Smells so damn good. Women smell so damn good. The scent of a woman is probably one of the best things on Earth. I dont know how some men are gay. The scent of a woman will drive some men wild especially me.
Over the weekend, I went on a trip with 5 women. It was a ratio of 5:2. It was just a great reminder of the greatness of living with women. Growing up I lived with my mom and my grandmom. I was the only man in the house. This weekend just brought up some great memories.
1 Breakfast: My fondest moments with my family were my family breakfasts. It was great having breakfast prepared and ready. I appreciate the women doing that this weekend.
2 Being welcomed: It was awesome to come home and people were actually happy or enthusiastic that you came home. It felt like my house with my family.
3 Being taken cared for: It was awesome how the women took care of me. I guess their nuturing instincts came out. I got to tell you that it was great. Hopefully, I don't sound like a child. But it is a great feeling when someone takes care of you and supports you.
4 Being Needed: It felt good to be needed. The smallest things make you feel like you are useful ie opening a jar or get a glass on the shelf.
5 Smells so damn good. Women smell so damn good. The scent of a woman is probably one of the best things on Earth. I dont know how some men are gay. The scent of a woman will drive some men wild especially me.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
I heard the news last night. Osama Bin Laden DEAD!!!It was something so shocking that you remember where you were when you first heard the news. Its funny because I was talking about revenge with one of my friends. I was saying that revenge is too hard and too much work, but sometimes that hard work is needed. I know that this cannot bring the ones lost, but hopefully it will bring closure to their lives.
God bless America!!
God bless America!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Crack heads
Living in the city, you deal with many different elements. A Crackhead is a special kind of element. Its something you don't love, but meh you have to deal with them. Since they are already there, you have to take the good and the bad with them.
Lets start with the bad. They will break your car window to steal the change out of your car. Good: you might be able to buy a Rolex for a hundred dollars from them. Bad: They will steal from your house. Good: You can buy someone else's stolen material cheaper than on Craigslist....Thinking about it now, it seems like the first good thing and the second is basically the same thing. Bad: they smell like piss most likely because they pissed on themselves. Good:You can get them to fight each other or is that just the Bums who do that.
My favorite experience with a crack head was at Checkers at 3 in the morning. He yells out to me. I say "What?" He tells me that he has something for sale. I am always intrigued by crack head sales. I ask him what he has. He says The Internet. I say What? He says he has the internet. He has my full attention now. I go up to him and he shows me a dial up modem from the 90's. I bust out laughing.
Favorite Crack heads in movies and shows.
Chris Rock in New Jack City
He really wants that turkey!!
Dave Chappelle as Tyrone Biggums
Lets start with the bad. They will break your car window to steal the change out of your car. Good: you might be able to buy a Rolex for a hundred dollars from them. Bad: They will steal from your house. Good: You can buy someone else's stolen material cheaper than on Craigslist....Thinking about it now, it seems like the first good thing and the second is basically the same thing. Bad: they smell like piss most likely because they pissed on themselves. Good:You can get them to fight each other or is that just the Bums who do that.
My favorite experience with a crack head was at Checkers at 3 in the morning. He yells out to me. I say "What?" He tells me that he has something for sale. I am always intrigued by crack head sales. I ask him what he has. He says The Internet. I say What? He says he has the internet. He has my full attention now. I go up to him and he shows me a dial up modem from the 90's. I bust out laughing.
Favorite Crack heads in movies and shows.
Chris Rock in New Jack City
He really wants that turkey!!
Dave Chappelle as Tyrone Biggums
Monday, April 25, 2011
I am prone to Fails in my life. The other day I was in New York City and someone said watch out for the dog poop. I didnt hear them and I stepped into this juicy piece of crap. People were laughing at me and I started to laugh with them.
I remember I was in highschool and I was going down this big hill from the bus stop. The bus stop was a couple blocks away from school. I was talking to this friend of mine and we started to cross the street. I think I fell over my own feet or tripped across his. I was laying in the middle of the street. I look at one side and then the other. It seems to me that the cars are coming faster. I think that they see a fat asian kid in the street and someone wants to hit me. So my body instictly just started rolling. It felt a ages before I got to the other side and was in the clear. I started to look around and I just see people laughing at me. It felt like the whole school was laughing at me. I brushed myself off and started laughing as well.
We fail. Plain and simple, we fail. We fail from the beginning of our lives. It takes a couple of times to get out of our mother's womb. I don't think babies make it out there in one shot. Isn't that the best part of life. Failing and then learning and laughing. Laughing at your self is probably the best medicine. I fail all the time. I laugh at myself all the time. Life shouldn't be so serious all the time. So go ahead and fail. Laugh at your failures, but take pride in your success and it is so sweet.
I remember I was in highschool and I was going down this big hill from the bus stop. The bus stop was a couple blocks away from school. I was talking to this friend of mine and we started to cross the street. I think I fell over my own feet or tripped across his. I was laying in the middle of the street. I look at one side and then the other. It seems to me that the cars are coming faster. I think that they see a fat asian kid in the street and someone wants to hit me. So my body instictly just started rolling. It felt a ages before I got to the other side and was in the clear. I started to look around and I just see people laughing at me. It felt like the whole school was laughing at me. I brushed myself off and started laughing as well.
We fail. Plain and simple, we fail. We fail from the beginning of our lives. It takes a couple of times to get out of our mother's womb. I don't think babies make it out there in one shot. Isn't that the best part of life. Failing and then learning and laughing. Laughing at your self is probably the best medicine. I fail all the time. I laugh at myself all the time. Life shouldn't be so serious all the time. So go ahead and fail. Laugh at your failures, but take pride in your success and it is so sweet.
![]() |
ME Stepping in DOG CRAP!! FAIL!! |
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Trip to NY
So a friend of mine thought that I would have blogged about my trip to New York by now. Reluctantly, I am doing so. No, I really do want to.
I think on every road trip you learn little things about yourself. Ive learned quite a few things about myself. I think that learning the deficiencies in your character is a great thing in life. Its like sports, when you know you need to work on something. You work hard to improve your game. You cant be the same person when there is glaring weakness in your character.
I learned that I can be a decisive person. I think in my head it translates to an impatient person, who doesn't want to compromise with anyone and just wants to get his own way. Although, I don't think the person who was calling me that meant it that way. Hopefully... I know that being decisive is good sometimes. Also, it can make a person look like a dick.
I also learned that I can be a person who contradicts people. Example, there was a car that kind of cut us off or we cut them off and she said"oh that car was close". I said, "No, not really that close." I also realize that those comments make me look like a dick or sound like one. Im not even sure why i do it because in the grand scheme of things its not a big deal at all.
Don't get me wrong. I think these things are good at times. Key words are "at times".
Its funny how these trips can either split people or ensure their bond with each other. It definitely did the latter for us. We ate, and ate, drank and just shared life. We had our fail moments, met with friends, seen somethings that we haven't before(sparkly pants) and things that reminded me of the past. All of those things make a good road trip.
Videos some of my trip mates need to see
Just the first ten seconds of Takers clips
Classic, Swat
This is for my friend who has a bad back. Doctor said i need a backiotomy!!!
I think on every road trip you learn little things about yourself. Ive learned quite a few things about myself. I think that learning the deficiencies in your character is a great thing in life. Its like sports, when you know you need to work on something. You work hard to improve your game. You cant be the same person when there is glaring weakness in your character.
I learned that I can be a decisive person. I think in my head it translates to an impatient person, who doesn't want to compromise with anyone and just wants to get his own way. Although, I don't think the person who was calling me that meant it that way. Hopefully... I know that being decisive is good sometimes. Also, it can make a person look like a dick.
I also learned that I can be a person who contradicts people. Example, there was a car that kind of cut us off or we cut them off and she said"oh that car was close". I said, "No, not really that close." I also realize that those comments make me look like a dick or sound like one. Im not even sure why i do it because in the grand scheme of things its not a big deal at all.
Don't get me wrong. I think these things are good at times. Key words are "at times".
Its funny how these trips can either split people or ensure their bond with each other. It definitely did the latter for us. We ate, and ate, drank and just shared life. We had our fail moments, met with friends, seen somethings that we haven't before(sparkly pants) and things that reminded me of the past. All of those things make a good road trip.
Videos some of my trip mates need to see
Just the first ten seconds of Takers clips
Classic, Swat
This is for my friend who has a bad back. Doctor said i need a backiotomy!!!
Few of my favorite Things
Sitting in my house, I was just wondering what my favorite things were. Also the song kinda came in mind also.
Favorite Ice cream= Breyers Strawberry Ice Cream; I love that it is creamy and it has the chunks of strawberry. I remember as a child, my mom would buy it at the grocery only for special occasions.
Favorite most recent read biography: Pistol
Favorite Movie of all time: Pulp Fiction
Celebrity I would Like to get a beer with: George Clooney(mostly because of spill over)
Favorite Ninja Turtle: Michaelangelo
Favorite Athlete of all Time: Randall Cunnigham
Favorite Cheesesteak: John's Roast Pork
Favorite Cake: the korean cake with fruits on top of it
Favorite Wu-tang member- Ghostface Killa
Favorite Ice cream= Breyers Strawberry Ice Cream; I love that it is creamy and it has the chunks of strawberry. I remember as a child, my mom would buy it at the grocery only for special occasions.
Favorite most recent read biography: Pistol
Favorite Movie of all time: Pulp Fiction
Celebrity I would Like to get a beer with: George Clooney(mostly because of spill over)
Favorite Ninja Turtle: Michaelangelo
Favorite Athlete of all Time: Randall Cunnigham
Favorite Cheesesteak: John's Roast Pork
Favorite Cake: the korean cake with fruits on top of it
Favorite Wu-tang member- Ghostface Killa
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