Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Trip to NY

So a friend of mine thought that I would have blogged about my trip to New York by now. Reluctantly, I am doing so. No, I really do want to.

I think on every road trip you learn little things about yourself. Ive learned quite a few things about myself. I think that learning the deficiencies in your character is a great thing in life. Its like sports, when you know you need to work on something. You work hard to improve your game. You cant be the same person when there is glaring weakness in your character.

 I learned that I can be a decisive person. I think in my head it translates to an impatient person, who doesn't want to compromise with anyone and just wants to get his own way. Although, I don't think the person who was calling me that meant it that way. Hopefully... I know that being decisive is good sometimes. Also, it can make a person look like a dick.

I also learned that I can be a person who contradicts people. Example, there was a car that kind of cut us off or we cut them off and she said"oh that car was close". I said, "No, not really that close." I also realize that those comments make me look like a dick or sound like one. Im not even sure why i do it because in the grand scheme of things its not a big deal at all.

Don't get me wrong. I think these things are good at times. Key words are "at times".

Its funny how these trips can either split people  or ensure their bond with each other. It definitely did the latter for us. We ate, and ate, drank and just shared life. We had our fail moments, met with friends, seen somethings that we haven't before(sparkly pants) and things that reminded me of the past. All of those things make a good road trip.

Videos some of my trip mates need to see

Just the first ten seconds of Takers clips

Classic, Swat

This is for my friend who has a bad back. Doctor said i need a backiotomy!!!


  1. wow, where do i even begin? DP, you've had some quality posts, but this one really shows your blog writing at its best.

    being decisive is not being a D***. decisive people are essential. otherwise we'd be sitting around saying "i dunno, what do you want to eat/do/see?" decisiveness = good.

    contradictory statements, however, are not always good, particularly when most, if not all, of them are directed at me. that car WAS close. you just don't know.

    and last, but certainly not least, thank you for educating us on these video references. maybe we'll actually pick up on a couple of them next time. my fave = josh groban!

  2. Wow so this is what we've been missing?? Should have prepped us before the trip.. hahah.

    Video 1 and 2.. the most ridiculous things ever!! Loved the #3... Josh Groban!! hahaha...

    #4 makes sense.. movie looks interesting...

    as for the blog... i think it just depends on who you are with. if you are with other decisive people you guys might clash... with more laid back people we don't mind so much. :)

    the contradictory statements... i wonder if its because you like having the last word? i don't mind it so much but maybe because it's not really directed towards me as much.. hahaha...

