Thursday, November 10, 2011

Post 36/100 I've made a Huge mistake

I've made plenty of mistakes in my life. Probably a couple everyday. Its not really a bad thing, if you learn from it. I make choices and sometimes I immediately regret the choices I have made. For example, I like to talk. I say a lot of stupid ish. Sometimes, I feel the words coming out and they are floating in the air. I just want to put them back in my mouth. Basically, I say a lot of stupid things that I want to take back. I order food and I am like I regret my decision.

I am a do-er and sometimes I rush to my choices. I do put thought into it, but sometimes I may not put enough time into the choices. I usually am pretty confident in my choices. But confidence doesn't mean its always right.

Its funny because there is always that moment of clarity when you made a mistake. As they say in Arrested Development "I've made a huge mistake".

Ive made a huge mistake by alexis711

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