Tuesday, March 6, 2012

60 percent

So this is why God is good. I am a hater by nature. I think I don't like about 60% of the people I meet, maybe even 65%. I just look at them and say I don't like that person. It might because they say something or act a certain way. I just don't really like people most of the time. When I do like a person, it takes me a long time not to like that person anymore. I give them a bunch of little chances in my mind.

God is good because He has been changing me in that department. I say "Dan, you don't know this guy enough to make a judgement." Still there are some people I don't like. But having that thought of giving that person an extra chance is huge. Hopefully in a year, Ill only not like 40% of the people I meet.

1 comment:

  1. Love how God changes us little by little everyday. :)
