Leap day is a day that doesn't really exist. Its only here once every four years. I should get married on leap day so I only have to remember my annerversary. So I was thinking of stuff I would do if this day didn't really count. Kinda like the movie groundhogs day, except I wouldn't do anything threatening my life.
Slap the ish out of a stranger. Why? Don't ask stupid questions or I'll slap you too.
Test drive a Ferrari
Crash the Ferrari
Run out on the court or ice of a professional game. (Don't tase me bro)
Pee on the owner of the company I work for. Preferably his face.
Steal a bunch of money from a scumbag and then give it to the poor.
Throw an outrageous party with the poor people.
Im not too creative. So you guys have better ideas. Let me know.
Lock the roommate out of his bedroom....