Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Running away is a lot easier than facing the problem head on. I have to say that I ran from a couple of my problems. The thing is that the problem will always be there. Its hard to face things head on, sometimes I try to forget about the issue or put it to the side. Because if you face it head on most likely you are gonna crash. Nobody likes to crash. Good thing about facing the problem is that you can actually solve or help fix the problem. Sometimes just acknowledging the problem is key. I wonder why I have the tendency to run.

Running reminds me of my father. I remember confronting my father about this . He said to me in Korean " I didnt run away. I left." I gave him a "N*gga What" look. Weak ass excuse. Running is the being a coward. I'm afraid that I will become like my father and be a runner.

I went to a thing tonight. It was a bunch of people who came from this halfway house kind of thing. Basically a couple of guys talked about this subject. I was blessed because they use to be people who ran. But they were  not those people any more. They changed. I can change too. We all can change.

Leap Day

Leap day is a day that doesn't really exist. Its only here once every four years. I should get married on leap day so I only have to remember my annerversary. So I was thinking of stuff I would do if this day didn't really count. Kinda like the movie groundhogs day, except I wouldn't do anything threatening my life.

Slap the ish out of a stranger. Why? Don't ask stupid questions or I'll slap you too.

Test drive a Ferrari

Crash the Ferrari

Run out on the court or ice of a professional game. (Don't tase me bro)

Pee on the owner of the company I work for. Preferably his face.

Steal a bunch of money from a scumbag and then give it to the poor.

Throw an outrageous party with the poor people.

Im not too creative. So you guys have better ideas. Let me know.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bad Texter

So these days when you flirt with someone you have to know how to text. Back in college texting was big but I really never did it. Flirting with girls in person is easier because they can hear your tones, sarcasm stuff like that. Well Im not the best flirter too.Probably because most times I just don't give a sh*t and just try to have fun.Im much better in person than over text I think.

 I still only have a limited number of texts.
So I like this girl and now you have to start texting. So Im texting but my texts are kinda weird. At least in my mind. Also do we have to put smiley faces everywhere. Smiley face, winky face, tears running down face, sad face, love faces etc.Shit I dont know I get really confused by all this crap. You know you start texting but Im mad tired and want to get ready for bed. Ill just cut it off like "ok I got to go. Laters."

I guess I usually just end stuff really badly like that. Again its because Im a little too honest. Its like a plane going in for landing. But instead of letting my speed down and and preparing to land. I just freaking crash the plane. The analogy is probably the best analogies for my love life. Subtley is not always the easiest thing for me. Like when Im on the phone, I will hang up on people all the time.

So talked to a couple of people. Actually, more than a couple of people about texting. Learned some things. Working on my finese. Maybe next time I am working texting game I will be better.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Facebook Effect

The one thing I hate about our social media need it now society is the facebook or twitter effect. Knowing something about somebody and starting off the conversation there. Kind of kills conversation these days. Before you wanted to talk to somebody to get to know things, but now its like ask somebody about an event instead of letting conversation flow or saying what they wanted to say. You might not under stand what I am saying. Let me give you an example.

Before Facebook:

Guy: Hey, haven't seen you in a while. What have you been up to?
Girl: Yeah its been a long time. We have so much to catch up on. I've gotten a promotion and to celebrate we went out to  restaurant to celebrate ........


Guy: Hey haven't seen you in a while. I heard you got a new promotion. How was (Random restaurant)
Girl: Yeah haven't seen you in a while. Its great meeting you again. Yeah I got a new promotion (girl is thinking: this is kinda creepy that this guy knows this about my life). The job is awesome. That restaurant was pretty good. ( Girl is thinking:Oh shit this guy is creepy as hell. I only met him twice and he know where I ate yesterday. I think I should stop writing stuff on facebook. I am about to tweet about this.)

Social media has made us more socially retarded. All of us are stalkers. We can't talk to people anymore in more than 180 characters.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


There is this kid at Sunday school. Hes in Kindergarten and he is really cute. We call him turtle.  He also has the same name as me. The one thing that is really noticeable about him is that he is really excited and passionate about life.The kid jumps up and down. Screams. yells. Life should be like that. We shouldn't be stoic people. We should be people filled with exuberance.

 I was thinking about my life. This kid with the same name as me. Do I have the same zest for life? I think I do. I like my life. I like thinking that everyday is new and if we are not passionate and living like a zombie than that is a sin. We are put in places because of some reason. Life sucks sometimes. Sure, but when I look at this kid it reminds me taht if we let life kill our spirit we should just stop living. I read a blog the other day. This girl said she has not lived with any regrets since highschool. I look at my life and ask myself" am I like that".

Ive been thinking about the course my life is on lately. I think I need to live life with more excitement. I am going to try to smile more. Not mope around but live freely. Dance if I want to. Yell at someone if I want to. Be the Turtle!

Things I learned this weekend 2/12

Fear of God- There was this thing at church. I was asked to pray for people. So I did. There was this one kid who came and he asked if I could pray for him. He was trembling the whole time. I felt the Lord there. The next day we talked about God at Sunday school. We were talking about us not fearing the Lord anymore. Then again some time during the day we were talking about trembling. I am currently reading the old testament, numbers to be exact. God continuously talks about killing someone if they do the wrong procedure. I then knew that I dont take God seriously enough sometimes. I dont think that He will strike me down but He will. We need to treat God with reverence and respect. Fear is a good thing.

The man that I dont want to become- I am not really sure what I want to be but I know what kind of man that I dont want to become. I met a man at this wedding last week. He was actually a friend of my father. I knew some of his history because people talk. He was a guy that left his family with a woman. He did that on two separate occasions. I cannot really understand these people. How can you leave apart of you? How can you leave your children? How can you just leave? Thats the person I dont want to be. The guy that runs because shit gets too hard.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I got a man.....

So I went to a wedding last night. After the ceremony, it was cocktail hour. Two women friends and I were drinking in this one area. Before we know it, we see about 4 or 5 Ajusshis. Ajusshi means older gentlemen in the Korean language. Say it with me now, A-jus-Shi, Good Job. The Ajusshis were drinking Johnny Black Whiskey. They brought it in from the outside. They had it in a brown paper bag. Gangsta!!!! The two women and I saw that and wanted in on the action. The one girl starts chatting them up and getting some whickey. I drin my beer quickly to get some but was too late. Round 2 they give me some. We start talking. They were a little tipsy. Funny guys. Real Men. Oldschool.

They were talking to me and wondered if that one girl was dating me.I told them no and that she has a man. The one guy looks me in the eye and says," Just because there is a goalie, doesn't me you can't score." I start cracking up. It sounds like his version of " What your man got to do with me." Ive never really been down with that though. I believe there is a code of honor among men. Don't mess with someones girl. I'm also not that kinda guy. I know those type of guys and I know what they do. But that kinda stuff is not for me.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Celeberties that piss me off

Kim Kardashian- Why are you famous? Because you slept with a B level celebrity and your dad is a world class lawyer. Are you hot? Yes!!! But your annoying as hell. Everyman knows that hot girl who is batshit crazy and this is that girl. She got the crazy family and equally as stupid and crazy friends. Sure you backside looks amazing, Im not sure in ten years. Wear those shape ups girl.

Ashton Kutcher- You made Killers. You made New Years Eve. You are making (somehow even though it already sucked, but curious enough my mom loves it) 2 1/2 men even worse.

Jessica Alba- Take some acting classes. You suck as an actress. I can look at you all day long. Because of you I watched Honey and Into the Blue. Because of you I don't really feel like it was that much of a waste of time. But girl learn to act. Good job on losing the baby weight though.

Katy Perry- Stop trying to be the White Nikki  Minaj.

Rihanna- stop getting tats of thug life and guns. No wonder men beat you up.

Channing Tatum- OMG you suck. Your movies are terrible. Almost as bad as Ashton Kutcher.

Bradley Cooper- Man just admit your gay. Its ok. We dont really care.

Jessica Simpson- Looking at you makes me want to eat something.

Person I love:

Carrying a case of Beer!!! Wow!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Crazy Women

Ok so the title was gonna be crazy bitches, but I just put it as women. This one woman at work. Now currently my former employee. She did this thing twice. Basically had intimate relationships with two men in the office and then went batshit crazy.

Story 1.

This guy and this woman (crazy woman) ride in the morning together because this crazy woman got too many DUIs and get her license suspended. They start hooking up as friends. The guy tells her what the relationship is and they are cool with that. They even go to bars and help hook each other up. One day the guy goes to this bar and starts hitting on this woman. The crazy woman is drunk and then goes up to the woman being hit on and tells her all this stuff. Guy goes outside to relieve stress. Crazy goes outside adn confronts him. Crazy flags a police offiecer and tries to get him arrested. Officer was on her side til he ran her license and found out she was Crazy. Next day in the office Crazy follows the guy outside and watches him smoke. Crazy confronts the guy and tells him that she loves him. Guy wasnt having anything to do with it. Crazy makes a ruckus in the parking lot. Crazy goes to Guy's house and starts banging the doors in at his parents house. Guy has to go to HR to report this. Crazy gets transferred to the other office.

Story 2

Guy 2 (lets just call him 2) and Crazy have a past intimate realtionship together. Things are usually cool. Even though they have a psat they are cool. Eventually they start getting together. He is married and starts cheating with her. Everyone knows of the relationship but no one knows that he was married. Crazy starts gaining weight adn becoming comfortable. Crazy starts wanting kids and a real relationship. 2 says that he has kids and maybe they should break this up. Crazy goes crazy. Starts bringing drama and tension to work. Crazy calls 2's wife. Crazy goes to 2's house. Starts going crazy. 2 has to file a restraining order. Crazy quits and I dont know where Crazy is anymore.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Me being Me

Someone said that I was the same as they met me. My character has't changed. I think that might have been the best complement that I have had. Then I thought, man maybe I hit people with the realness too much. I probably should tone me down. They say on dates you should always present the best YOU you can be. I never really followed that. Maybe thats why I am not dating anyone right now. I have no idea.

Part of me just doesnt care about what others think of me. I guess I just get into my Eminem mode and just dont give a F***. I mean why should I. Theyre not me and I am not them.

If you escaped What I escaped you .....

We love to judge the people around us. Everytime we meet someone we think. Oh I like that person or Shit I really dont like this person. Funny thing is most of the time we dont really know them. Sometimes we just catch people on the wrong day. Sometimes they are just more of something that day. Lots of times they are just great at putting the best part of themselves in front of people. Sometimes people are nervous and awkward. There is this saying or study, a woman will know in the first 15 seconds whether she will sleep with you or not. Damn 15 seconds is not that long of a time. If you a not good looking, I bet 13 seconds are lost right there. If you dont do well in public, 14 seconds are probably gone or probably all of the time.

So what I am saying is not that women will sleep with you or whatever, but this one time we meet them. We make these outrageous judgements. I was watching this show, Curb your enthusiasm, they said that since the guy had a ugly wife he had more character. Kinda absurb but maybe true. I usually make these jusgements on little things. For some reason, I dont really like most people I meet. I think that they are just ok or I just really dont like them. I am sure most people deep down are good people. But sometimes I jsut dont like people. Must be the Philly in me.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

59/100 Random

People all my life said I'm a random person. Do I think that? Probably. After so many people telling you somethign you kinda believe it. I think I just say some thoughts just come into my mind.

But really who cares if I'm random or say random stuff. Life is random. All of the sudden your walking to your car and bird poops on you. That is random. I dont believe in the chaos theory or anything like that. But at times life will give you these random events that you got to put together like a puzzle. You get all these pieces but after carefully matching you see the whole picture. I think thats what life is. They say youth is wasted on the young. I guess its meant to be.