Monday, September 13, 2010

Why don't laugh anymore??

One day a friend of mine and I were in a car. She says that it seems like adults dont laugh as much. I started to wonder why. Laughter is one of the greatest things in life. Laughter is primitive, a reaction that is so natural that we as a human race can all speak the same language. It is an expression of the soul. 

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.  ~Victor Borge

When I look at children, I feel they are so lucky. They just laugh and laugh alot. A lot of times we dont even know why. They think some stuff is funny to them and go about their merry way. It feels like we as adults want to always be taken seriously, so we have to be stern and stoic. Is that really being mature? My dad many times is very serious looking. It kind of makes me feel bad. Im like "Dude, I think life sucks so just give me one smile." 

We need to laugh more in society. Life grinds on you and many times it gives you shit. We need to take it in motion and just laugh it off sometimes. 

So once, I was at a thing and they did a skit. The skit was so serious (it was about sexual assault) that I ind of felt awkward. I needed to laugh about it. Was I wrong??( Plus it was an real account) You damn right I was wrong, but the laughter helped me get over the uncomfortable feeling. 

Stupid things that make me laugh: Someone getting hit in the groin, people falling, reminising, making fun of random people, food hitting someone and etc.

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