Sometimes I think that God loves me more than other people. Is that true? Probably not, but the things that God does for me makes me feel that way. Yesterday I was able to do an act of kindness for some kid. I picked up this random kid that asked me for a ride to his house. So I take him home, but through that simple gesture God makes me feel good about myself. God knows me and he knows how to make me feel great. I know through those feelings that God is Good. YES, ALL THE TIME!
I found out that love was forming. One of my sisters got baptized and was saved by God. I heard a testimony of a former Muslim that became a Christian. I hear good things constantly. God gets information over to me and it makes me feel hopeful for the world. People that I love are having great things happen to them and those things make me joyful. I feel like the world is getting better. Through those pieces of information I know God is Good. ALL THE TIME!
A person shared with me that she is going through the Bible and her experience. It made me read the Bible. I prayed and had such a good time of prayer. I feel a sleep, but when I woke up I felt like it was a continuation of that prayer time. I woke up an hour earlier and had to pray. I had to sing songs of praise. He gave me one of those days that I felt like nothing could take away from my high. No person, no demon, no accidents could have take away that JOY I had that day. It was one of those happy, invincible days. Through those times of Joy I know God is Good. ALL THE TIME!
Side note: I love this song. Makes me want to love someone.or maybe just that girl and I aint talking about Oprah. But Ill love her for a Billion.