I hate the smart phones, but I love them too. It has many good things. But really isn't most of those good things really bad. I kinda hate that someone can reach me all the time. People who know me, know that I am not good with my phone. I don't really answer my phone. I make butt dials all the time. SIDE NOTE: I don't carry my phone in my back pocket. Why is it called a butt dial. Its really in my front pocket. Shouldn't it be called a crotch dial. Maybe a prick dial or cock dial. Sounds disgusting I am sorry. The point is I am really terrible with my phone.
I think the invention of the smart phone has really hindered our society. Yes, work might get done quicker. But then you are carrying work everywhere with you. It wears you down. You think about work constantly. It makes you stressed and stress leads to sickness and death. People got work done before smart phones.
Games are cool. Chatting is cool. Being able to check scores for sports and weather are cool. But we have become a society that is glued to our phones. If you hang out with people, somebody is gonna be on their phone. It has made out society into non-social people. Socially retarded I call it. I might not be PC but thats not me. Easy Access to anything mgiht make us easily more stupid to everything also. We need to know everything NOW. Instead of thinking about things we rush to judgements.
People don't know how to talk to each other now. People can't confront anyone face to face. Kids are bullying on twitter(how gay does that sound). I saw a bunch of kids huddled in front of an Ipad. They don't even talk to each other. They just look at one person playing.
What happened to boredom. Out of Boredom, creativity explodes. I remember coming up with games because we were bored.( Knee Football)
I believe this is also causing the collapse of Men, as in males, these days. Ill probably talk about that later. The wussification of America.
I can't even stay focused on one sentance of writing because this society has made me ADHD.
The phone is a great thing but also a shitty thing.
OK I gonna go get my Samsung Galaxy S 2 Now.