When I first moved to Atlanta, I moved in a bad part of town there were prostitutes and crackheads in my neighborhood. My roommate was also an interesting man. He was very gregarious type of person. He would befriend almost anyone and everyone. I will talk about him in further detail some other time.
So one day, my roommate decides to bring some of the neighborhood prostitutes. They were outside of my room around 3 in the morning. They needed an extra person to play a game of spades. They decide to wake me up to play. I say "why not?" So we start playing. They were actually pretty nice girls. One girl worked at Target sometimes. They seemed like nice people and actually were pretty funny. At least funny enough on a Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. We were having a good time. Then one of the girls wants a cigarette. She asks everyone and nobody had any. She leans over to me and asks if I would like to go to the bathroom with her. I ask "why?"She says to provide some services. She said she'll do it for four bucks. FOUR BUCKS!!! Not Five but four. Maybe she thought if she asked for 5 it would have been pushing it. So I just decided to give her the money without any services. Pretty disgusting and I mean the cost of penicillin would be more.
So just one of my stories of the ATL. More to come in the future.