Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Is this Life????

Is this life??? Am I in this kind of funk? So, the past couple of weeks, I have been thinking.


It seems like the central theme for this month. Talking to a couple of people who are in the middle of a career change, it has got me thinking. I guess we are in the age of just finding ourselves. I am envious of people who have "The PLAN."

What is the PLAN? Well its those people who know what the want to do right out of highschool. Those bastards who are motivated to do the singular thing that they are put on earth to do. I guess thats about 40% of us. Stats say about half of the people in the work force hate their job. I bet half of the other half have just havent realized that they hate their job yet.

What have I always wanted??? Happiness. I want the American Dream that is implanted in our heads since we are toddlers. I want the white picket fence, the 2.5 kids and the beautiful wife. So if that is my goal, how can i achieve that goal. MONEY..... I know, I know money isnt everything, but it does provide the freedom. Freedom to escape the world or just be whoever you want.

I've got to think.... How am I gonna make money with a flexible schdule, so I can be that Father I have never had???

So SELF as we go through the next couple of years, look back on this and remember to stay on path and be a self start. NOBODY IS GONNA GIVE YOU ANYTHING. BE POSITIVE AND OUTGOING. GRAB WHAT YOU WANT AND PRAY THAT GOD GRANTS IT.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

First Entry

Hello!!! This is blog entry one. This is my blog and probably will not be accessible to anyone but me. So why am I writing a blog. I read my roommates blog and thought, "Hey, I should write a blog."

WOW!!! Yesterday, I watched the Phillies game and like always they put you in a roller coaster ride emotionally. Finally, Jimmy Rollins with men on first and second hits an extrabases walk off. Probably one of the most exciting plays I have ever seen. I was so pissed from the sixth to eight inning. But just like any other fan with two people on the base pads you have hope. Hope is great, but to get your hope fulfilled even better.

So I ask, "How many times has hope been fulfilled in our lives?" Hope that we get a good grade, do well at work, win in the game, make a good impression on our first date. HOPE. DAMN..... Its a thing many people lose as they live life. Hope fades like colors in our clothes. It is bright when we are young but become dingy and useless as it experiences life.

I remain hopeful. Is it because I am naive or Should I right to be hopeful. Only time will tell if I remain this way, but for now all I can do is hope for the future.